Report on Paris (1985-1989)

Footage №53685, 1 footage, duration: 0:08:56

Scene №1

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Notre Dame Cathedral.

Tents booksellers on the Seine river.


Outdoor cafe.

Eiffel Tower.


Pleasure korablikna Seine.

Cocks and hens in cages.

People read newspapers.

Parisians walk with the dogs.

The drive down the street.

People at the tables of summer cafe.

Eiffel Tower.

Boat on the Seine.

Passers-by on the street.

Fish in an aquarium on the market.

Buyers in the market

View of Notre-house from the island of Saint-Louis.

Eiffel Tower.

Outdoor cafe, visitors at the tables.

Selling paintings on the banks of the Seine.

Calendar: 1985-1989

Locations: Paris [850]

Seasons: Spring [825]

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