Die Deutsche Wochenschau № 611 (1942)

Newsreel №55242, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:58
Production: UFA

Reel №1

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1. Romania.

Arrival of Field Marshal Liszt on a national holiday in Bucharest.

Train coming to the platform.

Honor guard, a train station, bypassing the guard of honor.

Antonescu and Sheet depart by car.

King Mihai Antonescu and sheet sent to the podium, a parade of Romanian troops.

Ceremonial march parts of the Wehrmacht stationed in Romania, guns, tanks.

2. Germany.

Reyhsarbayterfyurer (head of the workers) Konstantin Girlie inspects a Dutch volunteer labor groups.

Ceremonial removal of the banner.

Volunteers take an oath to the Führer.

3. Germany.

Creating construction Staff Speer.

Staff emblem.

Inspector General for Construction, the successor of the late F. Todt Albert Speer in front of camera.

PNRM. buildings and workers.

One of the construction projects, initiated by Speer, and other settings.

Ready-built buildings and complexes.

PNRM. shop military factory, an aircraft factory, workshop factories.

Announcer of the new mission of the Ministry of arms and ammunition Speer.

4. Germany.

Return German submarine after the raid to US shores.

The pier go girl with flowers.

Presentation of colors sailors, their comrades welcome.

Speaker of the success of the raid.

Awarding of distinguished sailors.

Admission Hitler heroes submariners Hardin and Topf.

Grand Admiral Raeder and Doenitz at Hitler's headquarters, they talk with the Fuhrer, walking along the path of the park.

Awarding the Order of the captain of the submarine.

5. Hitler during a walk in the park with his German shepherd Blondie.

He throws a stick, the dog brings to its owner.

6. Finnish front.

Gunners dragged through the snow guns to a new position, guns ready to fight, shoot.

Speaker of the successes of German and Finnish troops.

Tanks in the attack.

Sturm Soviet bunker, destroying it.

Marines in camouflage moving forward.

Assisting the wounded, they are loaded into special sled that contains a motor.

Camp German and Finnish soldiers are on vacation, some sleeping, others are engaged in household chores.

Soldier carves wooden pattern on a mug for his friend.

Finnish soldier rides a sleigh pulled by reindeer, jumps on them birch log.

Soldiers feed deer.

General Dietl among the soldiers of mountain infantry troops in the Murmansk area, a souvenir photo.

Presentation of the Iron Cross distinguished German and Finnish soldiers.

Reel №2

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Ice drift on the Narva, the German sappers blow up ice jams and logs.

Delivery of ammunition and food for the front.

Cars on the roads abominable.

Construction of wooden decking by the local population and combatants RAD, go on deck machine.

Sawing planks, deck construction.

7. Military operations in the Crimea, heavy fighting near Parpatcha (District of Feodosia).

Fragments of air combat.

Germans in positions German guns fired at the enemy.

German engineering is moving forward.

Soldier smokes, pause over.

German and Romanian troops moving forward, overcoming a huge ditch.

The shelling of the Soviet position.

Soldiers in the trenches. "Shtukas" bombed the Soviet positions.

German generals Manstein and Richthofen discuss the course of the battle.

Fragment of an air battle, the Germans in the trenches watching him.

Soviet aircraft falls to the ground, explosions.

German planes in flight.

PNRM. the battlefield.

Reel №3

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German soldiers in the trenches.

View the battlefield.

Firing artillery, machine gunners, are tanks with infantry.

Soviet prisoners of war.

Horse-drawn vehicles, machinery, soldiers move forward tanks.

Defeated the Soviet position, corpses of Soviet soldiers destroyed tanks, vehicles.

The concentration of German troops near Kerch.

On a German airfield.

Bomb with the words: "May come Luftwaffe strikes."

Securing heavy high-explosive bombs.

Planes taking off into the air, they are in flight.

Massive raid on the Kerch.

Speaker of the Russian breakthrough line of defense.

German machine gunners.

View of the city.

May 15, 1942 - join the Waffen-SS units in Kerch.

Fragments of street fighting.

German leg breaks the door of the house.

German tank.

Shootout in the harbor area.

The shelling of the Soviet transports anti-aircraft guns.

Assisting the wounded.

Russian soldiers surrendering.

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