Operator V.V.Mikosha (1985)

Footage №55747, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:04

Scene №1

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The operator removes TSSDF V.Mikosha Victory Parade on Red Square.

Operator TSSDF GK ..

Epifanov takes hits. V.Mikosha removes the meeting of war veterans in a park near the Bolshoi Theatre (Bolshoi Theatre).

V.Mikosha removes (with traffic) Crimean bridge, Alexandrovsky Garden. V.Mikosha takes on Red Square Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin from St.

Basil's Cathedral.

Domes of the church. V.Mikosha with the assistant V.Stupinym set the camera at the hotel "Russia".


Mikosha V. - A documentary cameraman, cinematographer front of the Great Patriotic War, the film director. People's Artist of the USSR Epifanov GK - A documentary cameraman, cinematographer front

Calendar: 1985

Locations: Moscow [820]

Seasons: Spring [825]

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