Soviet Ural Mountains № 8 (1979)

Newsreel №55795, 1 part, duration: 0:10:11
Production: Sverdlovsk newsreel studio
Director:Mihajlova I.
Camera operators:Lyaginskov R., Makeranec V.


Special edition devoted to the 100th anniversary of the famous Russian storyteller PP Bazhov.

Reel №1

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Children's drawings to the tales PP Bazhov.

Alternation: about my father says daughter Ariadne, photographs from the family archive Bazhov, newspaper clippings.

Books PP Bazhov.

Chronicle of the end of the 1940s:


Rewarding PP Bazhov.

Alternation: tells P.F.Nilin, photos, art, talks about his father's daughter Olga.

Chronicle of the end of the 1940s:

P.P.Bazhov with his wife and daughters dismantled correspondence, reading letters.


House Museum PP Bazhov.

Opened the door.

The rooms of the house.

Pipe, inkstand and a manuscript with a magnifying glass on the table.


Shelves with books.

Monument PP Bazhov in Sverdlovsk.


Visitors to an art exhibition.



Portrait PP Bazhov on the facade of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.


Oration, dedicated to the anniversary of the writer.

Chronicle of the end of the 1940s:

P.P.Bazhov walking down the street with the pioneers.

The writer in his office.

P.P.Bazhov with colleagues.

P.P.Bazhov reads the letter.


Bazhov PP - Literary and public figure, writer, storyteller, folklorist, publicist and journalist. Nilin PF - Soviet writer, playwright and screenwriter.

Calendar: 1946-1949

Locations: Sverdlovsk region [803] Moscow [820]

Seasons: Winter [823]

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