Glider floating in the air.
Calendar: 2014
A man in a trailer puts the fan on the airframe.
Athletes come in cars.
Glider soaring in the sky.
Glider soaring in the sky.
Glider soaring in the sky.
Glider soaring in the sky.
Glider high in the sky.
Glider high in the sky.
The glider soars.
Glider in the sky.
Glider in the sky.
Glider in the sky.
Glider in the sky.
Glider in the sky.
High in the sky.
Plans in the sky.
Glider high in the sky.
Gliding says - CU.
Coordinator of the glider and talking.
Keep hands in the card.
Coordinator talks to palaneristom, which is in the flight mission.
Coordinator talks to palaneristom.
Coordinator talks to palaneristom.