1) of Tatarstan. "Games of 9 republics."
Militarized ski relay race for 10 km in the city of Kazan.
Winners - skiers CHASSR Burashnikov S. Burtsev A., Ivanov, skating competitions at the 1000 meters.
The winner - the skater from UASSR Nikolaev. 2) of Tatarstan. "For universal literacy."
School Adult illiteracy elimination at the first garment factory.
Assistant shift supervisor Rakhmatullina GG during operation. 3) of Tatarstan. "Towards the spring sowing."
Employees of the assembly shop Arsky MTM during repair of tractors. 4) MASSR. "Their future ...".
Pupils kindergarten Yoshkar-Ola during games in the profession.
Locations: Of Tatarstan, MASSR