The Mordovian ASSR. "Mordovia.
Chronicle of everyday life.
Autumn 1990".
1. The "boss".
The collective farm "Russia" Kovylkinskom district.
The Chairman of the collective farm Nikolay Nikolayevich Smekalin.
The grain dryer.
The workers of the farm.
2. "In conditions of scarcity."
Threescore the Chairman of the district Executive Committee Mikhail Kuzmich Pieces.
Shop Threescore slaughterhouse.
Oleg Mukhtarovich Gasiev.
Soap on the conveyor.
Plant of dry potatoes.
Potato chips.
3. Mastorava.
Mastorava Congress has been held.
Doctor of philological Sciences, Professor of the Mordovian state pedagogical Institute Dmitry Timofeevich Nadkin.
Sing songs.