Die Deutsche Wochenschau № 695-2 Working material (1943)

Newsreel №59031, 2 parts, duration: 0:13:31, black-white
Production: UFA

Reel №1

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THE USSR. Eastern front.

View of the town of Nikopol.

German engineering is the bridge.

Tanks on the dirt road.


The infantry in the trenches.

The telephone accepts the message.

Shoot gun.


German anti-aircraft guns.

Burning Soviet aircraft in the air.

The pilot ejected by parachute.

Burning Soviet aircraft on the ground.

They're coming tanks and infantry.

Shoot the tanks.

Burning Soviet tanks, the bodies of soldiers.

Burning village.


Order on awarding the German soldiers and officers.

Officers drink coffee.


Shoot gun.

Shoot rocket launchers.


The Gulf of Finland.

The alignment of the minesweeper underwater barrage network in the Gulf.

German boat clears the barrage net with buoys.

The view from the aircraft.

The boat and the buoys line indicating the fairway

Key words

Soviet War 2 World, bridge, communications, tanks, military equipment, weapons, explosion, air force, paratroopers, fire, rewarding, church
Finland, World War 2, Navy

Reel №2

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Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the organization, "Kraft Durch Freude" / "Strength through Joy" / engaged in the organization of tourism, leisure, recreation, etc.

Conference hall.

Speaker Dr.


He talks to the veterans movement.

Play for officers.

Acrobats, jugglers


Professor Eykel, for eye diseases specialist at the clinic at work.

It examines children

THE USSR. Crimea.

Soviet prisoners of war

THE USSR. Eastern front.


German transport aircraft.


Loaded weapons buses.

Transport aircraft preparing for take-off.

His weapon.

The plane takes off.

Inside, the German soldiers.

Plane in the air.

The plane sits on the airfield.

Unloading completions and military cargo.

Traveled tanks, guns, vehicles.

On road.

There is a German car.

It gets stuck in the mud.

In the village.

Fry pancakes.

The soldier is busy searching for lice.

Reading newspapers.

Machines are on the furnace dirt

Key words

Germany, anniversary, celebrations, tourism, gos.deyateli, personalities, concert, circus
Germany, medicine
Soviet War 2 world, prisoners
Soviet War 2 World, soldiers, air transport, military equipment, weapons, tanks, insects

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