An accident on the street the Warm camp.
Overturned truck ZIL.
Damaged garages.
Car ZIL lying on its side.
Inspection of the scene of the accident.
Says the driver of the ZIL.
Says an eyewitness.
Accident in longitudinal travel.
A Mercedes car knocked down two pedestrians.
Inspection by inspectors of traffic police of the accident.
The corpse of a man lying on the pavement.
The detainee said the driver of the Mercedes.
Says major of militia.
A fire in the apartment on the Ladoga street.
The corpse of a woman in the bathroom.
The consequences of a fire in the apartment.
This is the captain of the fire.
Statistics UGPS.
An accident at the Volgograd prospectus.
Collided with a car Lada and Sprinkler.
Wrecked the car Lada.
Inspection by inspectors of traffic police of the accident.
The corpse of a man lying on the pavement.
Statistics of traffic police.
Accident on Prechistenskaya embankment.
Faced Toyota car and Ural motorcycle.
The wrecked car.
Inspection by inspectors of traffic police of the accident.
The bodies of two men lying on the pavement.
Murder in the village of Malakhovka.
The examination of the crime scene.
Said the mother of the deceased.
The consequences of the accident, the collapsed pole.
Key words
Calendar: 06.09.1998
Locations: Moscow