Construction and architecture № 8 (1975)

Newsreel №59752, 1 part
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Slomyanskij B., Blehman M., Solnceva L., Kasumov K., Ostrovskij L.
Editor:Levin A.
Camera operators:Georgiev M., Solnceva L., Kasumov K.
Text authors:Rodionov A.
Sound mixer:Romanov A.


1. "The first in Central Asia." About new houses from polymers, built at the exhibition by the firm FRG Shtreyf. 5. "Moldova is crossed.". The plot of the wine cellars of the state farm of Peresecino of the Moldavian SSR.

Reel №1

Scene №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Ch.1, Tashkent City, street, passers-by, people sit in the bus.

The construction of the metro in Tashkent.

The designers at the table.

Ch.2 the Streets of Tula, the report.

Architects in the Studio.

The ancient architectural monuments of Tula.

The Kremlin wall Kremlin.

The layout of the new centre of Tula.

Street Of Tula.

Locations: Tula [861] Tashkent [860]

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