About ordinary people living in northern Russian cities. The film was created mainly from photographs.
Panorama of the countryside.
Pre-revolutionary photos of rural residents.
Central Russian landscape.
Old photo:a woman is sitting on the grass in front of the house and holding a puppy in her arms.
Group photo of peasant women.
Photo:a boy on a horse.
A few boys on horseback.
Portrait of an old woman (photo).
A young man (photo).
Two teenagers (photo).
A laughing teenager.
A teenager between two grandmothers (photo).
A woman with her daughter(photo)
An old grandmother's house in an overgrown garden.
The old well.
A small rural house.
Photo of a man and a woman.
Hitting a photo of a woman.
A peasant woman in a handkerchief.
Photos of peasant women.
A woman milks a cow (photo).
Two peasant women.
An abandoned, collapsed house.
An old man is sitting near his house.
A boy plays the accordion, a man dances (photo).
Photo of a dancing woman.
Photos of dancing teenagers.
An old peasant woman.(photo)
A man holds a kitten by the paws (photo).
Old photos of peasants:women, children, old people.
Two men are sitting in the courtyard, with a table with a samovar between them.
Modern photo of a woman.
Two teenagers.
An old man and an old woman, a woman with a child in her arms.
The faces of peasant women, old men.
Evening landscape.
An old man is sleeping on the ground, a boy is standing next to him and looking at him.
A sleeping woman and a sleeping man.
An old man and a boy are standing on the street.
Rural landscape.
A woman in mourning.
A woman in mourning and a boy are standing in the cemetery near the grave.
An overgrown rural cemetery.
A plaque on the grave.
Photo of a man on a grave monument.
A woman and a boy are standing in the cemetery.
Wooden crosses in the village cemetery.
Central Russian landscape.
A huge haystack .
A woman sleeps by a haystack.
The man leaned on a haystack.
Photos of smoking men.
Faces of men and women (photo).
a boy shoots an arrow at a target painted on a hut (photo).
A group of boys is walking across the field (photo).
The boy takes pictures (photo).
The boy jumps into the river.
Village boys swim in the river.
The boy shoots from a homemade bow.
Emperor Nicholas tours the troops (photo).
Photos of officers of the Tsarist army: group shots.
Officers of the tsarist army on skis.
A Soviet soldier is photographed against the background of the monument to Stalin.
Photos of Soviet soldiers.
Photos of girls.
Officers of the Tsarist army (photo).
A disabled person with a piece of wood instead of a leg.
Funeral of a soldier of the tsarist army (photo).
Wooden crosses.
Village street.
Village wedding(photos).
Dancing on the street, a feast.
An old woman is sitting on the steps of her house.
The girl is standing in a field.
The old man is sitting on the grass.
An old man with a girl .
Wooden cross with an icon.
Departure from the cross -photos on the grave.
A snow-covered field.
A man and two girls are standing in a field, looking at the sky.
There's a plane in the sky.
An old woman looks up at the sky.
People's faces.
The man lights up, the girls run away.
A man on a cart is driving along a village street.
Two women and a man stack a haystack.
A tipsy peasant is dancing in the courtyard of the house.
A boy is playing the accordion on the porch.
Pre-revolutionary photography : a group picture of a family.
A peasant family has been photographed, gets up from the bench.
A panorama of people's faces.
The boy's face.
An old man with a knapsack on his shoulders walks away across the field.
The boy takes off the accordion and runs somewhere, grabbing a stick on the way.
Grandma calls out to him.
The boy runs across the meadow.
Locations: Tambov region [805]
Seasons: Autumn [826]