About opportunities for international students and trainee teachers to study the Russian language in the USSR.
Language lab.
Streets of Moscow.
Exhibition pavilion.
Finnish engineer (synchronously in Russian).
Doctors at the patient's bedside.
Hospital ward.
A doctor from Nepal (synchronously in Russian).
The doctor examines the patient.
Cosmonauts from different countries in the Star City.
Filming by cinematographers from different countries.
Panorama of the shelves with books.
Library reading room.
Professor from France F.Coker (synchronously in Russian).
The State Public Library in Leningrad.
An employee collects a parcel with books.
The permanent exhibition "Book" at the World Trade Center in Moscow.
The teacher of the Russian language from Brazil V. Matus (synchronously).
Russian Russian language lesson at the Institute of the Russian Language named after
Locations: Moscow [820] Leningrad [848]