Our region № 50 (1968)

Newsreel №62614, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:04
Production: LSDF


Special issue: 25 years of the liberation of Smolensk, Celebration in Smolensk and the region (Minsk highway, Vyazma, Yelnya, Prigorye station).

Reel №1

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Panorama of historical places of the city of Smolensk.

Monument to Kutuzov.

Monument Grateful Russia to the heroes of 1812.

Monument to the soldiers-liberators of Smolensk.

A developing red flag.

Smolensk railway station.

People are waiting for the train to arrive.

Residents and city leaders meet representatives of the Lodz Voivodeship, who came to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Smolensk from the Nazi invaders.

Residents of Smolensk meet representatives of neighboring regions who came to the holiday.

Monument Tank T-34, installed at the entrance to the city.

Representatives of neighboring regions present flowers to the monument.

Military banner groups march through the city with flags of the units that liberated Smolensk.

Panorama of the city of Smolensk.

Showcases with photos of the war years.

Residents of the city are looking at photos.

Photos of the war years.

In the museum, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory V.A.Avdeev and V.A. Saichenkov communicate with the residents of Smolensk.

On the street of Smolensk, the honorary citizen of the city of Smolensk, Hero of the Soviet Union Prokopy Klapych, who hoisted the red banner over Smolensk, meets with residents.

In honor of the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Smolensk, a monument to the Liberator Soldier is being unveiled.

Residents with flowers at the opening of the monument.

Veterans perform.

The eternal flame from the walls of the Kremlin in Moscow is being taken to Smolensk by an armored car.

Monument to the Katyusha jet engine in the Smolensk region.

A monument to the T-34 tank, erected in honor of the soldiers who stood in 1941 on the way of the Fascist troops rushing to Moscow.

An armored vehicle with eternal flame.

Monument to Lieutenant General Yefremov.

The car with the eternal flame goes to Smolensk.

The monument is an instrument dedicated to the soldiers of the 24th army.

A protected field with traces of trenches and trenches from the 1941-1945 war.

Barbed wire on the field.

A pierced helmet.

Monument on a mass grave near the field.

An elderly woman with a girl near the monument.

Meeting of a veteran with pioneers.

N.S.sHaraev tells about the partisan raid on the Prigorye station.

The Riga-OREL train is coming.

A small station called Prigorye.

Monument to the Prigorsky partisans, pioneers bring flowers to the monument.

Locations: Smolensk [822]

Reel №2

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A car with an eternal flame passes a memorial sign on the border of the city of Smolensk.

A column of motorcycles drives up to the mound of immortality.

Military men with banners and veterans near the mound.

Marshal of the Soviet Union Yeremenko speaks.

At the base of the mound, the earth brought by people from the burial sites of soldiers is filled in.

Panorama of Smolensk Square near the monument to Lenin.

Residents of Smolensk celebrate the anniversary of the liberation of the city.

The first secretary of the CPSU City Committee Muravchik speaks.

Portraits of residents.

The eternal flame arrives on the square.

Hero of the Soviet Union Egorov, honorary citizen of the city of Klepych and Sergeant Kurille light the Eternal Flame at the walls of the Smolensk Kremlin.

The city's leadership, military and residents lay flowers at the eternal flame.

A solemn meeting dedicated to the anniversary of the liberation of Smolensk.

Panorama of the hall with the audience.

The rostrum of the meeting.

The secretary of the regional committee Klimenko speaks.

War veterans.

Congratulations from neighboring regions.

Participants of the liberation of the city of Smolensk are presented with commemorative signs.

Sports parade at the stadium of the city.

Spectators in the stands.

Performance of parachutists.

Panorama of festive Smolensk.

Night festivities.


Locations: Smolensk [822]

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