Die Deutsche Wochenschau № 602 (1942)

Newsreel №62806, 3 parts, duration: 0:16:51, black-white
Production: UFA
Camera operators:Karl Bader, Ernst Eljzigan, Elton-Jenzen, Hajdaker, Hapke, Valjter Frentc, Gerhard Garms, Jonson, German Kifer, Voljfgang Shnajder, Hajnc Shmidt, Aljfred Sholjc, Hans Sholjc, German Shtyoss, Hajnc Tusher, Hugo Urban, Proshovski, Kurt Krigar, Heljmut Pryufer i drugie.

Reel №1

Short popular science story "What everyone should know" dedicated to the Railways.

Statistical information on the work of the Imperial Railways from 1933 to 1941.

The growth of freight and passengers.

The growth of the railway network of Germany since 1933 in the diagram.

German military engineers at work.

The construction of roads and bridges.

Work on the reconstruction of the destroyed Railways in the occupied territories of the USSR. The squads rush to the front.


The destruction of Paris in a working class neighborhood after the RAID of British aircraft.

Population examines the ruins.

The meeting at Concorde square.

Are rows of soldiers.

A member of the Vichy government sends condolences to relatives of the victims of Marshal Petain.

The funeral of the victims of the bombing.


Day of mourning in Berlin before the Arsenal of the Old town and a monument of a soldier's heroism, dedicated to the memory of the fallen heroes.

The arrival of Hitler to the memorial service, he exchanged greetings with gross-Admiral Raeder, General - field Marshal Keitel, General field Marshal Milham, reichsfuehrer SS Himmler and the other generals.

In his speech, the Fuhrer said: "we at this moment understand the significance of time in which we happen to live.

Build a new world.

This struggle will continue until, until a lasting peace to the complete destruction of the enemy.

And the world, for which we are paying on all fronts of soldiers ' lives, will be the main task of the future national socialist state."

Ribbentrop, Ley among the audience.

Hitler in the Pantheon of the fallen, the commandant of Berlin, Lieutenant General Paul von Hase reports to Hitler.

The führer passes the troops, to his right, the Knight's cross holder captain of the 2nd rank of Werner Hartmann.


Key words

Germany, world war 2, railway, transport
France, world war 2, Royal air force, personnel, military commanders
Germany, world war 2, the funeral ceremony, commanders, personalities, Hitler

Reel №2

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Hitler walks past honor guard battalion.

The honor guard of the knights the Knight's cross from the Navy, air force and Waffen SS are a wreath of the Fuhrer to the monument.

Hitler in the Pantheon, the ceremony of laying wreaths.

Then the Fuhrer goes to the veterans and invalids of the 1st and 2nd world wars at the Pantheon, the führer talks to the disabled.

The ceremonial passage of troops.

Go Marines, seamen, of the SS. Ceremonial March of the battalion of guards, bearers.

North sea.

German patrol vessels at sea.

Air-RAID alarm at appearance of English bombers.

Shoot the German guns onboard, the shelling of the British aircraft.

The ship's doctor rises on the flagship bridge, you need to save the wounded.

Suspended in a hospital bed wounded sailor transportyou to the infirmary.

The operation of the vessel, the surgeon at the operating table removes the wounded from the bullet.

Key words

Germany, war world 2, trauna ceremony, Hitler, personalities, the disabled, the troops, the parade
North sea, world war 2, Navy, air force, medicine

Reel №3

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East Prussia, Rustenburg.

Admission to the Fuehrer in his headquarters of field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, who needs to get a new appointment.

Along with Keitel and Jodl, field Marshal is directed to the building rate.

At the flying site of the headquarters.

The meeting of Colonel-General Erwin Rommel, arrived from Africa.

Rommel in a car arrives at a rate.

The Fuhrer gives Rommel the award of the Knight's cross with Oak Leaves.

The staff officer helps the Rommel to wear the Knight's cross on his neck.

Eastern front.

Fighting in the Valdai hills.

A group of capture of SS. The strike group commander and platoon of the 5th company of the 1st infantry regiment "Totenkopf" SS oberscharführer Ludwig Kahle receives the Knight's cross.

His group with hand grenades destroyed six enemy bunkers, machine gun nest, and the Soviet garrison one of the positions.

Lunch at the soldiers, distributing food and fish oil.

Saving transportation from bad weather in the village.

German garage sheds, cars are under a canopy of branches.

One of the most difficult highways day and night moving column machine.

German military units and convoys moving forward.

Construction battalion monitors the state of the roads.

Clearing roads of snow.

Cars, carts drawn by horses, moving in a Blizzard.

Soldiers wander through the snow.

In the German trenches.

Worth a Knight's cross holder Col.

Henzinger with the soldiers.

Shoot German guns.

Eastern front.

In the Donetsk region of attacks numerically superior enemy also broken on the power of the German compounds.

Soldiers of the volunteer wallonian Legion, which particularly distinguished themselves in these battles.

Battle with the Soviet tank.

The battle for the village, the Germans lead the peasant horses.

Shoot the German skiers.

Are tanks, infantry.

The assault team bursts into the village.

Destroyed Soviet equipment.

Soviet prisoners of war are on the road.

In the location of the German flight.

The consolidation of the bombs.

The pilots sit in the aircraft.

Planes take off into the air with a snow-covered airfield.

The aircraft in flight.

Under the wing of the aircraft is major railway station bombing from the air.

Key words

East Prussia, world war 2, Hitler, military leaders, personalities, rewarding
Soviet Union, world war 2, soldiers, troops, rewards, SS, the military technique, natural phenomena, personnel
Soviet Union, world war 2, soldiers, volunteers, tanks, prisoners of war, the air force, bombing

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