The departure of the French troops in Norway.
The French expeditionary force sinking the ship.
Soldiers of the corps in full gear.
Loading ship cargo.
The ship is leaving.
Marine squadron in the escort aircraft
The Middle East.
French General Plus in the middle East.
General surrounded by the local population and local troops.
Holiday dance.
Military parade that takes General.
Camel caravan in the Sahara desert
The Golden book of aviation.
Cloudy sky.
Birds in the sky.
Planes in the sky.
Historical sketch of the flights of the French aviators.
The hydroplane.
It takes off,lands on the water.
The first flights of the pioneer glider pilots of the early twentieth century.
Diagrams-the flight from Paris to new York,flights from Paris to Tokyo,flights from new York to Syria.
The transatlantic flights.
A squadron of planes in the sky
Key words
Norway, navy, army, mission, soldiers, aircraft
The Middle East, military leaders, celebrities, celebration, entertainment, parade, army, animals, wilderness
France, Air Force, Air Force