Ostland Woche № 23820 (1943)

Newsreel №63245, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:56, black-white
Production: UFA

Reel №1

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Propaganda posters calling for the work fronts: against the background of peasant soldiers home, pipe factories, women workers.

Opening of the exhibition dedicated to the work for the front.

Admission to the hall, he spoke, there are military women.

Instructional placards on sealing cracks in doors and windows.

The call does not listen to enemy radio.

Women masters in folk costumes show visitors workpiece exhibition slippers and flip-flops.

Call to save energy, the figure of a man who sleeps with a burning lamp.

Young people studying in vocational school.

Boys climb the stairs, wash.

Children eating in the dining room.

Preparation for classes, teenager examines drawing, consults with the teacher.

The boys are resting, they read newspapers, listen to the radio, playing chess.

Lights out, guys go into the bedroom and lay down to sleep.

Diplomatic reception at the palace in Madrid.

At the entrance there are the Moroccan guards, climb the stairs to the diplomats with their wives, priests.

Franco and his wife go out to the guests, bypass them shake hands.

Solemn meeting of the Indian legionnaires.


German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop takes in his residence of the Japanese Ambassador Oshima General.

They signed a joint treaty of alliance with Italy, shake hands.

In Paris, created paramilitary vocational school for youth.

Children enter the building.

Practical training in the metal workshop, the work of machines.

Lunch in the dining room.

Obtaining certificates of completion.

Close-up of a diploma.

Sports competitions in skiing in the Savoy Alps.

Cableway in the mountains.

Skiers on the slalom, women start, then the men.

German submarine in the South Atlantic.

The engine room of the boat.

The meeting with another German boat.

The sailors descend on ropes torpedo daredevils jump into the water and swim in the projectile, posing.

Torpedo forwarded to another boat, guide it into the barrel of the weapon.

Key words

Latvia, 1943, World War 2, propaganda, exhibitions, crafts, printing
Latvia, 1943, World War 2, professional schools, youth
Spain, 1943 World War 2, receptions, diplomats, state. figures, personalities
Germany, in 1943, World War 2, the volunteers, the meeting
Germany, in 1943, World War 2, the state. figures, personalities, techniques, ambassadors, treaties
France, in 1943, World War 2, professional schools, youth workshops
France, 1943, sports, skiing, cable car
Atlantica, 1943, World War 2, navy, torpedo

Reel №2

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The boat continues on his way.

An observer with binoculars on the tower.

The cockpit is a sailor reading a book.

The alarm on the boat, the crew took their places.

The boat is lowered into the water, can be seen through the periscope of the enemy ship.

On the horizon, the Swedish trawler "Scania".

Submarine miss it continues the way.

The American boat in the ocean, it is sent to the boat with a German submarine.

The submarine shoots yacht flak, it shatters into pieces.


German machinery should be at the front past the remains of ancient buildings, ruins of the aqueduct.

Arab surpasses the road a flock of sheep.

Minesweeper stops the car, warning of mines, posing a plate.

German tanker peeking out of the hatch, inspects the destroyed locality, a pointer to the French.

The Arabs carry boxes of ammunition for the German troops, laid on the ground.

Soldiers try burgers, which prepared the Arabs, the local oranges from a box.

Soldier strizhёt comrades, some washed clothes in the stream, read newspapers, clean weapons.

The Germans are in the trenches with machine guns.

The observer climbs a windmill.

On the horizon, the American troops.

Camouflaged machine-gun nests, Italian soldiers selected from the shelter with a tarp.

Italian gunners preparing cannon fire.

Bushes cacti, among which is hidden a military unit.

The soldiers are moving through the desert.

The officer makes a mark on the map.

Padded American tanks on the field.

A German soldier picks up a machete near the tank.

Battles near Leningrad.

Delivery of food and ammunition to the forces of the Finnish soldiers.

Finnish artillery bombardment leads area of ​​Lake Ladoga.

The central region - Smolensk, Vyazma.

The raid of Soviet aircraft, the alarm on the German position.

The soldier submits an alarm, knocking on a suspended rail beam.

The soldiers ran out from the dugout in camouflage.

Planes bombed positions, the Germans look to the sky.

Soviet tanks in the offensive.

Shoot the German artillery, soldiers with rifles and machine guns in the trenches.

German grenadiers attack.

The battlefield with broken Soviet tanks and guns.

German soldiers a smoke.

Continued shootout.

Key words

Atlantica, 1943, World War 2, navy, artillery, explosions
Tunisia, in 1943, World War 2, military equipment, engineers, mines, tanks, population, life front, artillery
USSR, 1943, World War 2, the supply front, the artillery
USSR, 1943, World War 2, the air force, infantry, bombing, tanks, artillery

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