Manufacture of tobacco products in Riga.
Close-up of cigar in the ashtray and lighter.
Tobacco leaves stock factory.
Women are sitting at the table, rolled in cigar leaves, cut stanochkom.
Tobacco in bales, a man carries a bale in the shop, the woman leaves dismantled.
The leaves are comminuted in the machine.
The automated cigarette manufacturing process is placed in a cigarette box.
Women carrying a box of tobacco.
On conveyor belt moving cigarettes.
Stuffing boxes of cigarettes.
Sending of tobacco products by post to the front.
Nurse handing out cigarettes to the wounded.
Production of flour factory in Riga.
The stairs rise factory workers.
The shop with the machines, production processes are of flour production.
Workers will drag the filled sacks of flour from the car, the women carry bags on wheelbarrows.
At lunchtime before the workers of factory acts Symphony Chamber Orchestra.
Those workers.
Key words
Latvia, 1943, World War 2, light industry, tobacco production, injury, post office
Latvia, 1943, World War 2, light industry, production of flour, a concert, a symphony orchestra