SShA.Long Beach.
Production of various shapes of shells, corals on the sea shore.
Production of souvenirs and articles of mother of pearl and shells.
Sort shells, shaping them for craft projects.
Woman holds two shells-obratotannuyu not.
At the table, working craftsmen make souvenirs.
Master manufactures of shells swans on a stand.
Figures ladies from seashells.
Showcase souvenir
Inventor with a toy horse with a motor.
He rides in a cart drawn by this horse.
He rolls on the horse itself, flanked by two women go on these horses
USA. Strainnaya Christian wooden church.
Man opens her shutters, dusting.
The church reopened, people are coming in, there is worship
SShA.Nyu York.
Woman driver Dorothy Seeb.
It delivers parcel mail.
Goes machine.
Dorothy sticks his hand in glove with the Gauntlet makes turning mark.
Stops at the home, woman gives parcel
SShA.Dressirovannaya dog Mrs MJ
Brown, a walk it shows different types of gait
SShA.Utenok in the unit among the soldiers.
Soldiers duck feed grain, bathed in a basin with a brush and soap.
Soldiers marching behind them moves duckling
Key words
US woman, marine animals, crafts, souvenirs
USA, inventors, invention, woman, toys, domestic animals
US farmers, church
US, women, post, personalities
US women, personalities, animals, pets
US soldiers, birds