The three novels of the film tell about our contemporaries millwrights V. Filimonov, the group leader of the collective farm V. Karpov, scientist P. Anokhin.
History: The film tells about the fate of three Soviet people of different ages, professions, character. 1 - Vladimir Filimonov - electrician Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Station 2 - Vladimir Karpov - State Farm foreman "Bijskij" 3 - Pyotr Anokhin - academician, physiologist.
Construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station. Electrician Krasnoyarsk HPP V. Filimonov at work, gives an interview (synchronously), tells about his life and work. Altai Territory. State Farm "Bijskij. Landscapes neighborhoods. Town farm. Brigadier machine Karpov for the work in the home, with family, gives interviews (synchronously). Tractors plow the land. Harvesting of maize. The academician, scientist-physiologist PK Anokhin tells about his life and work (synchronously), plays the piano, walking in the park, gave a lecture to students (synchronously), the work in the laboratory. Photos Anokhin, photos from family archives PKAnohin for different years. Autumn urban landscapes.
Newsreel 1917:
mass action by workers and soldiers on city streets.
Portraits V. Filimonov, V. Karpov, P. Anokhin different years of their lives - kr.
[_] Portrait Filimonova - kr.
NDP construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station in the winter: Clubs mist rises over the river and building structures - commonly., Wed.
Builders HPS held at different parts of the dam, wrapped in a frosty haze - commonly., Wed.
Electrician Vladimir Filimonov talking about himself, about his comrades in the brigade, on the conditions of work for the construction of hydropower plants (synchronously).
By the dam in freezing weather are the builders at the forefront of a plate with the inscription: "At the temperature below 30 ˚ pass over the bridge is forbidden" - kr.
Icy design on a construction site - kr.
They're coming men and women at work (winter).
Installation of high voltage insulators - in summer - kr.
V. Filimonov the work in the installation of high-voltage insulators - kr.
Electrician for high-altitude work - kr.
Filimonova smiling face during assembly - kr.
Builder on the background of the working area.
Operate electric welders high-altitude (winter, summer) - kr.
A few plans for the difficult areas of construction, stalled cars.
Working smoke in the frost, haze over the construction site - Wed, cr.
Submission of concrete, large valves in the upper tiers of the dam: operate cranes.
Work-riggers to their sites set fittings laid concrete.
Filimonov talking with colleagues.
Seething, foaming, high vzdyblivaetsya water at dam spillways Krasnoyarsk HPP during the spring flood - CU.
Builders Krasnoyarsk HPP during heavy flooding on the Yenisey lay concrete, lay rebar, and fix structure to detain water rushing down the river to Krasnoyarsk.
Operate dump trucks, bulldozers, concrete.
Filimonov of builders working on the dam during the onset of the flood - Various.
Worked as a welder, flying sparks and metal - CU.
Calming flow of water to spillways - MS.
Calm surface of the Yenisei, sailing vessels on the river - LS. (With a / t).
Filimonov wife looks out the window at a maternity hospital Divnogorsk - MS.
The building of the hospital - MS.
Filimonov, sitting on the lawn in front of the maternity hospital, talking with his wife, the wife looks out the window - MS., PNRM.
Filimonov says newborn son, how he wants to raise his son (synchronously).
From maternity leaves Filimonov wife with flowers, Filimonov carries a newborn son, get in the car, go home.
Hand of a woman (wife Filimonov) wash the baby in the bath - CU.
Filimonov and his wife washes her child in the bath.
Pretty, smiling face Filimonov - CU.
Divnogorsk Street - LS.
Filimonov and his wife driven baby in the stroller for a walk on a city street (autumn).
PNRM. Construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station (autumn).
Portrait Karpov - CU.
Harvested field Bijskogo grain farm in the Altai region - PNRM., Various.
River with thickets of bushes on the banks, the water lilies - LS.
A herd of horses on the river bank - MS.
The horse carries the barrel on a country road - LS.
Tractor in a field - MS.
Brigadier grain farm "Biysk" Vladimir Karpov talks about himself, about the people of his team, work and life in the village (synchronously).
Photo: mother and father Karpov - CU.
The fence around the house is the mother Karpov.
Daughter Karpov in the yard chasing geese, feed the chickens.
Geese walk in the yard.
The woman driving the sheep on the streets of the village - MS.
Hen with chickens, two roosters fighting, puppy playing with a cat in the yard - MS., CU.
Photo Karpova different years.
Karpov's wife in her yard - CU.
Karpov and his wife - CU.
Karpov and his team inspect agricultural machinery, tractors, talks with members of the team - different.
Stroking the girl's head mechanic - CU.
On the streets of the village is a state farm drunk guy with an accordion - LS.
Karpov talks to a team member Voronov who violate labor discipline.
Field of sugar beet - LS. PNRM.
Ivan Petrovich Voroshilov - team member Karpova, mechanic, for work on the tractor.
Grain farm agronomist department Anatoly Ulikin at work in the office.
Vettehnik department grain farm SK Matyukhina (complete woman, sloppily dressed) - CU.
Karpov said the drawbacks of bad faith vettehnika Matyukhin (synchronous).
Matyukhina talks with Karpov.
Harvesting corn crop Bijskogo grain farm: work combines.
Karpov in the cab - CU.
Harvesters to harvest wheat: some mowed wheat rolls, others are picked up and threshed wheat - are different.
Spilling grain from the combine hopper - CU.
Women unload grain from a truck with shovels - MS., LS.
Karpov and his wife are among the passersby on the streets of Moscow (both eating ice cream, it is viewed with interest of passers-by at home).
Karpov in his farm on a tractor plowing a field in the stubble - different.
Karpov puts his son with him in the cab, with the boy and unharnessed horse harnesses, together with her daughter and son planting potatoes - different.
Karpov said about his attitude to rural labor (synchronously).
Tractor plowing field tucked away (by Stern).
Tractors are one after the other on the strip and plowed field - LS.
The tractor lunch box in the tractor sitting on the ground - MS.
Branchy birch with yellow, autumn leaves - MS.
Country road tractor carries impact straw.
Autumn landscape - harvested field - LS., PNRM.
Portrait of Academician PK Anokhin - CU.
PK Anokhin home in leisure hours playing the piano ("Autumn" by Tchaikovsky) (synchronously).
Picturesque autumn landscape - LS.
Yellow maple leaves on a branch - CU.
The leaves break down and fly with birch on the ground - MS., CU.
Rain over the pond - MS.
PK Anokhin behind a desk in the room taking notes, talking about himself (synchronous) - CU.
PK Anokhin of people on the streets of Volgograd (summer).
Photos participation PK Anokhin in the Civil War, the defense of Tsaritsyn - different.
Photo Ivan Gulak - the first chief of the Defence Staff of Tsaritsyn.
Photos Anatoly Lunacharsky, who arrived in Tsaritsyn with campaign train - photo.
Photos young Anokhin scientist psychiatrist spondylitis, physiologist, Academician IP Pavlova.
P. Anokhin says about studying and working as an experimenter with Academician IP Pavlov (synchronously).
Photo: Academician IP Pavlov talks with his students, young scientists, among them - PK Anokhin, Y. Folbert, IP Rozenko, LA Orbeli KM Bulls.
Photo: IP Pavlov and his closest disciples PK Anokhin, Y. Folbert, IP Rozenko, LA Orbeli KM Bulls - LS., CU.
PK Anokhin in the suburbs in the country reads records, says, sitting in a lounge chair under a tree - CU. (Summer), walks in the park (autumn).
Autumn Landscape - LS., MS.
PK Anokhin resting on a bench in autumn park.
Photo: PK Anokhin at work in the laboratory.
Students and assistants PK Anokhin at work at the laboratory devices - different.
Photo: IP Pavlov with his students at work - different.
PK Anokhin at work in the lab - CU., PNRM.
Academician PK Anokhin lecturing students (synchronous).
Students listen, write - LS., CU.
PK Anokhin home playing the piano - CU.
Photo: Electrician Filimonov in construction - LS., CU.
Photo: Foreman farm Karpov.
Construction of the Krasnoyarsk HPP - LS. (Autumn).