Military training film N 478. Autumn 1944.
The tactics of the defensive battle in the village.
On the field there are two German soldiers, there was an explosion, they hide themselves on the ground.
Reference point in the Dubrovka occupied by German troops.
The bombing of the village of Soviet aircraft.
German officer passes the message on the phone.
The attack Russian forces artillery, aircraft, tanks and infantry.
Organization of the German perimeter defense.
Russian commander gives the order: "A tank gun to fight."
German soldiers wheeled cannon, soldiers Faust cartridge in an entrenchment.
Fires Soviet tank, burning thatch roof hut.
Nemec sees a wounded comrade, crawling after him.
Go to attack Russian soldiers shooting tanks.
The Germans are advancing jogs.
Go fighting in the village
Key words
Germany, World War 2, invasion, soldiers, troops, military equipment, explosion, tanks, artillery, wounded, communications, military equipment
point equipment for perimeter defense.
He drives a cart with rolls of barbed wire.
The meeting with the commandant.
Driving areas, parking Parts location.
German soldiers dismantled ruins after the fight, dig trenches, build fortifications, barricades against tanks.
Types of traps: soldier opens the door to the house attached to it mine, it explodes.
Driving fortified points, places for machine-gun nests.
Lance explains soldiers counterinsurgency.
Tactical training with the soldiers.
Nastupitelny battle in the village.
German osldaty shoot a machine gun, machine guns, flame thrower.
Soldier throwing a grenade into the house, runs a Russian soldier.
The battle ends with the capture of German soldiers Dubrovka
Key words
Germany, World War 2, soldiers, burst, fortifications, soldiers, tanks, destruction, military equipment, weapons