Filming fighting the German army.
Artillery guns from the calculation of the forest, the toe cap shells.
On the muddy road convoys traveling on horseback.
They're coming tanks, the tank breaks the wall.
The soldiers lie on the hill with a machine gun, shoot, soldiers throw grenades.
The soldiers in the attack on the march.
Build troops to repair the destroyed railway tracks.
On the road to recovery ride trains with guns, barrels of fuel, trucks.
Overloading of ammunition and various materials from cars to trucks.
Convoys going to the front.
Headquarters of army supplies in the forest, the officers of the card.
Motorbike courier package is issued, he rushes to the moving column of trucks, transmits the order.
Column on the road.
Stop in the forest branches and masking machines.
Soldiers on vacation, one plays the harmonica, people smoke, play with the dog.
Store fuel for the Luftwaffe planes, barrels lying on the ground, sheltered branches.
Fuel, ammunition loaded onto a transport plane.
Arriving at the front, in the discharge of the machine.
Shoots artillery battery.
Take off the bombers, the aircraft at the peak, view of earth from an airplane.
Bombing from the air, see the explosions on the ground
Key words
Germany, World War 2, soldiers, artillery, rest, arms, Fascists