Cattle ranchers Union of Shenfinhayma.
Black and colorful Dutch cows from East Prussia.
Cow-record holder Kuappe.
Cattle from the estate Prenzlau.
Krasnopestrye cows from Münster, Arnsberg, Paderborn.
Pigs champions, awarded 1 and 2 awards.
Swabian-Hessian speckled pig.
Kornuelsskaya black pig.
Berkshire pig.
Sheep from Furstenberg and Halle.
Sheep Merino from Brandenburg.
Sheep of Wilster / Schleswig-Holstein /.
Hampshire breed.
Karakul sheep.
White and colorful precious goats.
Birds in cages.
Geese, ducks.
Bees in hives
Key words
Germany, Exhibition, pets, poultry, agriculture