Gold coins, gold coins ... (2007)

Documentary №68537, 1 film, duration: 0:27:11
Producer: MASTER
Director:Gromov A.
Screenwriters:Gromov A.
Camera operators:Erkin M.
Anouncers:Yaroslavcev A.
Sound producer:Kolosov A.


The film tells about the formation of the financial system of the young Soviet state, about the first People's Commissar of Finance Sokolnikov

Movie №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

A fragment from the TV series by V. Bortko "The Master and Margarita".

Chronicle of the 1920s-1930s - in the frame of the People's Commissar of Finance Sokolnikov G. Ya., as well as Stalin I. V. Says Sokolnikov's daughter - Heliana Sokolnikova.

Chronicle of the 1920s - Sokolsky, a collection of Bolsheviks.

Says Fedorov B. G. - former Finance Minister of the RSFSR in 1990.

Group photo - Lenin, Sokolsky, members of the party and the government of the young Soviet state.

Chronicle of the 1920s-1930s - a train is coming.

Fragments from old b/w feature films about Lenin, the revolution.

Various fragments from silent movies.

B/w old photo of the Sokolnikov family.

An old pre-revolutionary photo - a street in Moscow, a building with a sign "Pharmacy".

Photo of the young Sokolsky - in full face and profile.

Chronicle of 1917 (approximately) - tram rides, Bolshevik on the streets, military, expropriation of valuables, etc.

B/w old photo of the Sokolnikov family.

Photo of Sokolnikov's brother Mikhail.

Photos of Sokolnikov's wife - Galina Serebryakova, daughter of Heliana.

Photo of Sokolnikov.

Heliana Sokolnikova speaks.

Photo of little Heliana.

Heliana Sokolnikova speaks.

Chronicle of the 1920s - military convoys, Turkestan, the sea, Sokolnikov performs.

Stills from the film "White Sun of the desert".

Group photos of Sokolnikov with colleagues, military.

The museum exhibit is Turkestan money (various banknotes).

Chronicle of the 1920s - views of Turkestan, mosque, market, women in veils, trade, etc.

Chronicle of the 1920s - Sokolsky's speech at a government meeting, banknotes.

Large - collection albums with banknotes of the first Soviet money.

Panorama of different banknotes.

Chronicle of the 1900s-1910s - Emperor Nicholas II on parade.

Says Alexander Bugrov, Chief Expert of the Department of External and Public Relations (Central Bank of the Russian Federation).

Chronicle of 1917 (approximately) - a parade of Bolsheviks, Red Army soldiers, commanded by Trotsky L. D. Says Alexander Bugrov.

Old banknotes in albums.

Chronicle of 1917 (approximately) - A. F. Kerensky with a group of people.

Large - different banknotes (a chronicle of the 1920s is superimposed on top - dancers, a horse army gallops, white generals on horseback, etc.).

Fragments from the film "Wedding in Malinovka".

Chronicle of the 1920s - a Red Army soldier shoots from a machine gun.

Says Andrey Kazmin, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia from 1996 to 2007.

Chronicle of the 1920s - Red Army soldiers shoot from a machine gun.

Fragments from silent movies.

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Chronicle of the 1920s - bankers on the balcony, the life and way of life of Soviet peasants.

A fragment from the TV series by V. Bortko "The Master and Margarita".

Photo of the Writer Mikhail Bulgakov.

A fragment from the TV series by V. Bortko "The Master and Margarita".

Chronicle of the 1920s - city streets, trade, workers, landfill.

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Large - old bill.

Says Natalia Kuryatnikova - head of the special fund of FSUE "Goznak".

Photocopies of old Soviet money.

Photo of the writer Mikhail Bulgakov.

Chronicle of the 1920s - people in the market, trading on the streets, Sukharevsky market, furniture store, people counting money, cabbies on the streets, people in a restaurant, etc.

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Chronicle of the 1920s - Leni V. I., Sokolnikov performs.

Chronicle of the 1900s-1910s - crews, aristocracy, military.

Says Alexander Bugrov.

Chronicle of the 1920s - a repository of gold bars, gold coins, etc.

Says Alexander Bugrov.

Chronicle of the 1900s-1910s - chronicle of tsarist Russia, ship, officers, reception, parade, etc.

Chronicle of the 1920s - peasants, devastation, etc.

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Chronicle of the 1920s - mills are working, cadres with peasants, prodrazverstka, grain delivery, grain procurement, bank storage (bullion, gold, etc.).

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Large - bank card "1 chervonets".

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Chronicle of the 1920s - a crowd of people with slogans, posters, Sokolnikov performs, coins are printed, new banknotes and coins, Goznak, money is printed, various frames with coins, bills, etc.

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Chronicle of the 1920s - shots with the first Soviet coins (chervonets).

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Chronicle of the 1900s-1910s - market, sale of fish.

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Chronicle of the 1920s - skiers on a walk, NEP, shops, trade.

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Photo of Sokolnikov.

Says Fedorov B. G. In the photo - Sokolnikov and Dzerzhinsky.

Says Fedorov B. G. A caricature of Sokolnikov.

Sokolnikov in a group photo.

Chronicle of the 1920s-1930s - coins are printed, Sokolnikov performs, Trotsky takes a parade, Lenin's funeral, Stalin, etc.

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Chronicle of the 1920s-1930s - card system, workers in the dining room.

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Chronicle of the 1920s-1930s - issue of coins, city streets, cars, an opposition group in the government.

Photography - Stalin, Voroshilov, etc.

Chronicle of the 1920s-1930s - Sokolnikov, Trotsky, etc., government meeting, people in the hall applauding, large - Stalin.

Says Andrey Kazmin.

Chronicle of the 1920s-1930s - Goznak, money is printed.

Says the historian Nikita Petrov.

Large - coins are falling.

Chronicle of the 1920s-1930s - city streets, trams, cars, pedestrians.

Says Nikita Petrov.

A fragment from the TV series by V. Bortko "The Master and Margarita".

Says Nikita Petrov.

A fragment from the TV series by V. Bortko "The Master and Margarita".

Chronicle of the 1920s-1930s - Stalin is walking through the Kremlin with other members of the government, says Sokolnikov.

Chronicle of the 1930s - Great Britain, London, city views, streets, traffic, shops, Sokolnikov, English aristocracy, members of the government, Winston Churchill, writer H.G. Wells, writer Bernard Shaw.

Photo of Sokolnikov's wife - Galina Serebryakova.

Chronicle of the 1930s - the streets of London.

In the photo - Sokolnikov and his wife.

Says Nikita Petrov.

Chronicle of the 1930s - shots with Stalin.

Says Nikita Petrov.

A fragment from the TV series by V. Bortko "The Master and Margarita".

In the photo - Sokolnikov.

Chronicle of the 1930s - the trial of traitors to the motherland, prosecutor Vyshinsky speaks, people in the hall, Stalin on the podium with members of the government, a file with a case, a car is driving, a night city, windows in houses are lit, in the frame - the People's commissar Yagoda and his deputy Agranov.

Sokolnikov's family photo.

Heliana Sokolnikova speaks.

Chronicle of the 1930s - Sokolnikov in his office.

Photo of Sokolnikov's wife.

Heliana Sokolnikova speaks.

Chronicle of the 1930s - footage of the trial of traitors to the motherland.

A large-paper chervonets with Lenin.

Chronicle of the 1930s - trains with repressed prisoners, wooden carriages with bars, guards, Stalin.

Says Nikita Petrov.

Photo of Sokolnikov.

Winter, snow, barbed wire, buildings of barracks for prisoners, unmarked graves of prisoners are visible.

A fragment from the TV series by V. Bortko "The Master and Margarita".

The shots with Stalin and Sokolnikov are chronicled.

Key words

Money, finance, banknotes, Goznak


Sokoljnikov G. Ya. - narkom finansov SSSR Stalin Iosif Vissarionovich Fedorov B. G. - rossijskij ekonomist, politik i reformator, ministr finansov RSFSR v 1990 godu Nikolaj II Romanov - imperator Rossijskoj Imperii Trockij L. D. - rossijskij revolyucioner, sovetskij gosudarstvennij, partijnij i voenno-politicheskij deyatelj Kerenskij A. F. - rossijskij politicheskij i gosudarstvennij deyatelj, ministr-predsedatelj Vremennogo praviteljstva. Vladimir Lenin [841] Cherchilj U. - anglijskij politicheskij deyatelj, premjer-ministr Uells G. - anglijskij pisatelj Shou B. - anglijskij pisatelj Vishinskij A. Ya. - sovetskij gosudarstvennij deyatelj, yurist, diplomat, prokuror SSSR, ministr inostrannih del SSSR Yagoda G. G. - sovetskij gosudarstvennij i politicheskij deyatelj, narkom vnutrennih del SSSR

Calendar: 1900-1910 1917 1920-1930

Locations: Moscow [820] Petrograd [959]

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