And If a Disaster Comes (1972)

Documentary №7169, 1 part, duration: 0:10:18, black-white
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Efimov E.
Screenwriters:Klyachko C.
Camera operators:Efimov E.


The film is about performance of veterinarian in the USSR.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Podmoskovnie landscapes: river, river floating ducks - commonly., Wed.

Go through the village chickens, goats butting, goats derive from the house - Society., Cr., Wed.

Pigeons on the streets of Moscow - Wed

Goes sprinkler - Society.

The owners walk a dog and cat - different.

Squirrel jumps into the cage - cf.

A monkey jumps into the cage - cf.

Live Yunnatov corner of the Central House of Pioneers - commonly.

Yunnatov feed owl, nutria - Wed, cr.

Dog feeding puppies - Wed

Monkey at the table at breakfast with people - Wed, cr.

The hand dials the phone number - kr.

Manager veterinary hospital takes a doctor to the sick animal - kr.

On the highway going the ambulance - commonly., Wed.

The car drove up to the house, the doctor comes out - cf.

The doctor examines a sick goat, give medicine - Wed, cr.

The appearance of veterinary hospitals - Society.

In the corridor there are people with different animals - different.

In the office of a doctor listens to a dog, makes X-rays - kr.

Doctors provide medical assistance to various animals - different.

From the clinic pulls car with a doctor - Society.

The hostess provides fodder for the fox, the fox is hiding under the table - Wed

The apartment includes a physician, examines the fox; gets a bone from her throat fox - Wed, cr.

Fox drinking milk - Wed, cr.

Faces of animals - kr.

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