The guest of the program is actress of theater and cinema Vera Vasilyeva.
Preparation for the 70th anniversary on stage.
A fragment of the feature film "The Tale of the Siberian Land" (1947, directed by IA Pyriev).
The first success, the receipt of the Stalin Prize and the invitation to the Theater of Satire.
Love of the audience, work in the theater and in the cinema.
Colleagues about Vera Vasilyeva.
Work with different directors.
The times of creative downtime.
Tours with other theaters.
Preparation of the play "Sacred Beasts" (1996, based on the play by Jean Cocteau, staged by AMVilkin).
Fragment of rehearsal.
Age threshold in roles and in life.
Participation in children's films "Lisa and Eliza" (1996, directed by A. M. Zguridi) and "Wine from dandelions" (1997, director I.K. Apasyan).
Answers to phone calls.
Vasylieva V.K. - actress of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR, academician of the National Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of the Russian Federation, public figure.