1. New earthmoving machine-about the earthmoving and milling machine released in Voronezh. 2. Oxygen therapy-about the method of treatment with acidoprod. 3. Welding without a seam-about a new method of diffusion-vacuum welding, which allows you to weld parts from different materials. 4. Captured rays.
1. New earthmoving machine.
A new large machine-a digger.
Rotating milling cutters.
Installation of the dump bridge.
A trench dug by a digger machine.
2. Oxygen therapy.
A hospital ward.
The doctor measures the patient's blood pressure.
The patient is given an enecephalogram.
The enephalogram tape.
A consultation of doctors discusses the treatment regimen.
Cartoon scheme of oxygen treatment.
A patient on the procedure of oxy-genotherapy.
3. Welding without seam.
N. F. Kazakov is the inventor of a new type of welding.
The parts are placed in a special installation.
A vacuum is created in the installation.
The parts are heated by high-frequency currents.
The details are firmly connected.
Metal structure under the microscope.
Parts welded in a new way.
4. Captured rays.
Solar water heater receiver.
Diagram of the solar water heater (animation).
The girl takes a shower.
A woman washes the udder of a cow.
A woman washes dishes from a hose connected to a water heater.
A woman pours water into the washing machine.
A group of pioneers takes a shower in the fresh air.
Locations: Moscow [820]