Introductory speech by Priest Alexei Uminsky.
Stills from the cartoon "The Sich at Kerzhentse".
The authors of the cartoon Yuri Norstein and Ivan Ivanov-Vano.
Stills from the cartoon "Christmas".
Author Mikhail Aldashin.
Narrated by Mikhail Aldashin, director.
Cartoon about St.
Basil the Blessed.
Artemy Lukichev's studio on the roof of the Stalin high-rise.
The Church of the Nativity of Christ is visible from the workshop.
Stills from the cartoon about Saints Boris and Gleb.
Alexey Uminsky's conversation with Artemy Lukichev, director.
Footage from the animated series "Three heroes".
A cartoon based on the "Tales of Boris and Gleb" by Nestor the Chronicler is shown.
The final word of Alexey Uminsky.
Key words
Svyaschennik Aleksej Uminskij. Yurij Norshtejn, rezhisser-muljtiplikator. Ivan Ivanov-Vano, rezhisser-muljtiplikator. Mihail Aldashin, rezhisser-muljtiplikator. Artemij Lukichyov, rezhisser-muljtiplikator.
Calendar: 10.06.2012