Orthodox encyclopedia (№ 29 ) 21.07.2012 (2012)

Telecast №75201, 1 part, duration: 0:25:56
Production: Pravoslavnaya Enciklopediya
Anchor:Uminskiy Aleksey



Reel №1

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Introductory speech by Priest Alexei Uminsky.

Great Lakes in America.

Monument to Fenimore Cooper.

The city of Cooperstown.

This is the birthplace of baseball.

Baseball equipment.

Pedestrians on the street.

A trickle And

Key words

Unification of churches.


Svyaschennik Aleksej Uminskij. Iona, mitropolit vsej Ameriki i Kanadi. Monah Svyato-Troickoj obiteli otec Iosif. Monah Svyato-Troickoj obiteli otec Pantelijmon. Arhimandrit Luka (Murjyanka), nastoyatelj Svyato-Troickogo monastirya v Dzhordanvile. Protoierej Serafim Gan, sekretarj predstoyatelya Russkoj pravoslavnoj cerkvi zagranicej. Protoierej Viktor Potapov, nastoyatelj hrama Ioanna Predtechi v Vashingtone. Protoierej Vladimir Curikov, zaveduyuschij arhivom Svyato-Troickoj duhovnoj seminarii. Mitropolit Lavr. Patriarh Aleksij II.

Calendar: 21.07.2012 1950

Locations: Moscow [820] Jordanville USA [851]


Holy Trinity Monastery.

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