1. "The court in the stream". The production of ships at a shipyard "Red Sormovo", Nizhniy Novgorod. 2. "Method Bogdanov". Fabrication of small batches of metal parts on a press invented by innovator Bogdanov stamping press machines. 3. "Invisible glasses". The use of contact lens Institute of eye diseases named after Helmholtz for the treatment of various eye diseases, Moscow. 4. "Yield". The creation of the agrophysical Institute in Leningrad headlights with light sensor in order to increase the level of road safety.
"Vessels on the stream".
Krasnoe Sormovo Shipyard, Nizhny Novgorod.
Shop, the crane carries a sheet of iron.
The welder is working.
Part of the ship.
The locomotive carries a section of the ship.
PNRM. on the territory of the plant.
The ship is being painted.
Bilge block, welding.
Installing a partition between the sections.
Aft block.
Installing the motor.
The ship's block is taken out of the workshop
Scheme of transportation of ready-made ship blocks.
Connecting parts of the ship, electric welding.
Descent of the ship from the slipways.
The employee is on the phone.
The ship is sailing.
"The Bogdanov method".
Stamping of parts.
The parts fall into a pile.
Workers make the parts by hand.
The machine drills holes in the part.
Bogdanov with a part in his hands.
Workers work on the presses.
The hand puts the part under the press.
Replacement of the die matrix in the press.
Finished parts.
"Invisible glasses".
Helmholtz Institute of Eye Diseases, Moscow.
CU. pl . - the eyes of a woman.
A blurry image of a street.
Animation is the work of the eye.
An optometrist performs an eye examination.
The doctor takes out contact lenses.
The hand holds the contact lens.
The doctor sharpens the contact lens.
The solution drips into the lens.
The doctor inserts the lens to the patient.
A woman looks in the mirror.
Patients in the waiting room.
"Give way."
Leningrad Agrophysical Institute, Leningrad.
Cars are driving down the street.
Meeting in the office.
The headlight is on the table.
A bell, a light bulb.
A device for preventing accidents on a passenger car in the form of a headlight.
Key words
road transport, road safety, invention, retail trade, ice, rationalization, cornea, nearsightedness, farsightedness,
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