Science and technology № 17 (1986)

Newsreel №75930, 1 part, duration: 0:08:11
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Dvinskij V., Pokrovskij E., Segeda V.
Screenwriters:Stepanova N., Pokrovskij E., Krilovskij V.
Camera operators:O.Maksimovskij, L.Solnceva, V.Sudejkin
Text authors:A.Marutyan



"Underwater routes" On the telemetric method for monitoring fish migrations. 4. "And carpenter, carpenter, and carver" On a series of household woodworking machines "

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1. "According to the new technology".

Products made of a closed curved profile.

Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant.

A new technology for the production of closed profiles.

The starting material is a steel strip.

The strip is rolled through the rolls.

Welding of seams.

2. "Sapphire nut".

Sapphire jewelry.

The screw and nut are made of artificial sapphire.

Laboratory of Controlled Crystallization of the Institute of Solid State Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Growing crystals of complex shape (animation).

Details obtained using the new technology.

3. "Underwater routes".

The building of the Ichthyology Laboratory of the Institute of Biology of Inland Waters of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Miniature transmitter tags.

The transmitters are attached to the captured fish.

Fish with transmitters are released into the pond.

A laboratory vessel.

An echo sounder is lowered into the water from the vessel.

Fish passage channel.

3. "And the carpenter, and the carpenter, and the carver."

Panorama of the village.

wooden windmills.

Crafts made of wood.

The carver is at work.

Desktop woodworking machine.

A man is working on a machine.

Wooden gazebo.

Locations: Vologda region [774] Yaroslavl region [812] Ukraine [229]

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