Science and technology № 13 (1977)

Newsreel №75938, 1 part, duration: 0:09:50
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Kogtev K., Chubakova G., Sokolov A., Uljyanov A.
Screenwriters:Breev V., Sokolov A., Shpungina S.
Editor:Levin A.
Camera operators:Ziljberg G., Kamionskij M., Uljyanov A.
Text authors:L.Pikalev
Sound mixer:Belousov M.


1. "Science. The cutting edge. Pulsar in the Laboratory" About pulsar modeling in the laboratory of the Institute of Physics of the Georgian SSR. 2. "What to assign to a robot" About robots developed by scientists of the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman's. 3. "At the remote control... canteen" About the catering complex at the Riga WEF plant.

Reel №1

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1. "Pulsar in the laboratory".

The crab nebula.

The neutron star (animation).

Pulsar signals.

A pulsar model in the laboratory of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR.


Bursts on the oscilloscope screen.

2. "What should the robot get?".

People at the machines.

The robot is working.

A new generation robot.

A diver is underwater.

3. "At the console...the dining room."

The control room.

The Hall of EVL.

Employees of the public catering complex at the Riga radio factory of the WEF plant are developing a menu.


The workshop of the plant.


Employees pay for lunch through a turnstile.

A video surveillance camera.

Locations: Georgia [83] Moscow [820] Riga [969]

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