Science and technology № 1 (1983)

Newsreel №76069, 1 part, duration: 0:09:24
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Shkarina V., Kasumov K., Kaplunov L., Feljdman Z.
Production Manager:Rodin B.
Screenwriters:Podgajc S., Cipin E., Vihrova T.
Editor:Shmelev V.
Camera operators:Kasumov K., Feljdman Z., Kaplunov L.


"The vacuum solved the problem" On a new highly effective nickel plating method in the production of batteries. 4. "The search is conducted by archaeographers". About the results of work, the archaeographer of expeditions of the Moscow State University.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame


The leading edge".

"Deep into the Earth."

Embankment in Baku.

Oil rigs in the sea.

Oil production on earth.

Drilling an ultra-deep well.

Instrument readings.

Rock samples.

Study of samples of deep rocks in the laboratory.

"The food program is a national cause."

"How to remove tomatoes".

A field of tomatoes.

Manual harvesting.

Creating a new variety: studying the properties of fruits in the laboratory.

Machine for mechanical harvesting of tomatoes.

Tomato harvester in the field.

A new version of the tomato harvester.

Harvesting tomatoes by combine harvesters.

"The era of new technologies".

"The vacuum solved the problem."

Alkaline iron-nickel batteries.

Installation for applying nickel coating.

The scheme of the machine (animation).

"From the history of culture".

"The search is being conducted by archaeographers."

Moscow State University Assembly Hall.

Exhibition of rare books.

The Fundamental Library of Moscow State University.

Ancient books.

Handwritten life of Prince Gleb.

Calendar tables.

Canvas covers for storing books.

Miniatures in ancient books.

Singing books.

Books of the first printer I. Fedorov.

Personal typographic sign of Ivan Fedorov.

Old photos with books.

Key words

Cultural monuments

Locations: Azerbaijan [17] Moldova [145] Kursk region [784] Moscow [820]


Kursk Battery Factory

Seasons: Summer [824]

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