Issue devoted to the work of farmers in the Stalingrad region.
The types of wheat fields, rural landscapes.
Ripening sunflower.
The ears of corn bent in the wind, the view of the field.
Tractor harvester for harvesting one of the farms in the region.
Machine-farm "Rossosh" S. Shutov, I. Deripaska and A. Zheltukhin removed from the harvester reel.
High-speed harvesting header with removed one.
Panorama of fields with rolls of mowed wheat.
Grain crops are beaten and battered by rain and wind.
The flattened wheat harvesting by direct combining.
The selection of rolls combine, machine A. Sergeev, V. Chernyavsky at the helm of the harvesters.
Threshed grain poured into a truck.
Driver Simakov behind the wheel of a truck.
Truck with grain leaves the field.
The operators in the field to discuss a draft "Programme of the CPSU".
The mechanic stands in front of jesters to farmers about the new program of the party, face shutoff.
Tractor Zheltukhin speaks to farmers.
The farmers vote for a new "Program of the CPSU".
Harvest trailed harvesters.
Combine Pashko at the helm.
A selection of rolls, threshed grain poured into the hopper.
Mechanized packing straw in bales.
Agronomist and Director of the farm visiting the ripe cobs of corn.
Plowing, early fall plowing.
Machine-lunch box.
Concert team speaks to farmers.
Farmers applaud artists.
The winnowing of seed grain zernotok.
The driver sits in the cab of the truck and leaves.
The driver in the cab of the truck.
Trucks with grain approaching the Elevator.
Unloading grain.
Work zernotoka.
The engineer of the Stalingrad tractor plant Kharchenko controls the grind on zernotok.
Master vocational school vlashchenko in the winnowing of grain.
The grain on the conveyor belt.
The types zernotoka, poured the grain.
Calendar: 1961
Locations: Volgograd region [773]
Seasons: Summer [824]