On the surrender of Volgograd grain growers 180 million poods of grain to the state.
Panorama of the field.
Ripe ears of wheat and barley, the combine at harvest.
Harvesting grain harvesters tractor.
Harvester at harvest.
Combine state farm "Victory of October" M. Kochev at the controls of the harvester.
Swaths of mowed wheat.
A fragment of the munition during the great Patriotic war, found in the field.
Cleaning beveled rolls of wheat, threshing harvesters in the field.
Combiner S. Kubantsev at the helm during the harvest.
Cleaning rolls combine.
Threshed grain poured into a truck.
I. combine the Chestnuts at the controls of the harvester.
The selection of rolls mown.
Night harvesting at high speed.
Threshed grain poured out of the sleeve of the combine.
Panorama of the zernotoka, the winnowing of grain by hand.
Trucks of grain going to the Elevator.
Safety check onboard the truck to avoid loss of grain on the way to the Elevator.
Unloading of trucks with grain.
Stream pour of grain.
Transportation of grain by means of conveyor.
Trucks with seed grain of approaching the collective farm barns.
Unloading and registration of seed grain.
Removal of straw from the field.
Stacking the straw in ricks.
Tractor on the rise of the autumn.
Check the depth of plowing.
A tractor pulls a plow.
Loading sacks of grain, earned by the family farmer Orlyanskaya.
The arrival of trucks with grain on bulk item.
The grain on the conveyor belt.
Filling of grain in storage.
Calendar: 1962
Locations: Volgograd region [773]
Seasons: Summer [824]