Yaroslavl. About Gorbatov A.P. - General director of the furniture association on rental relations. Village, barnyard, tea house, bridge construction, temple, building with a tower.
The helicopter is flying over the countryside.
A truck stuck in the mud.
Women gathered for lunch talk about their director.
One of the women (synchronously).
Another woman (synchronously).
A.P.Gorbatov - General Director of the furniture association "Red October" in Yaroslavl (synchronously).
Chickens walk around the yard.
A mountain of firewood piled in a pile.
Man (synchronously).
Construction of a bridge across the river.
A.P.Gorbatov (synchronously).
The workshop of the furniture association.
A man works on a lathe.
Renaissance furniture set, developed in the association "Red October".
Employees of the association (synchronously).
A.P.Gorbatov (synchronously).
The destroyed church in the village.
A tractor pulls out a truck stuck in the mud.
Locations: Yaroslavl region [812]