The film is about a Specialized swimming school in Cheboksary, her young students and coaches.
View of the swimming pool during the competition.
Participants preparing for the race.
Warm up in the water.
A shot gun start.
High school students of Specialized school swimming in Cheboksary climb the stairs.
Students during recess.
Meeting teachers in the staff room for the teaching of students during trips to competitions.
Swim practice, the coach records the results by the chalk on the blackboard.
Coach R. G. Nadezhdin during exercise.
Swimmers in lanes of the pool, type of pool.
Nadezhdin speaks of the need for education of athletes from high school, about the professionalization of sports (synchronously).
The pupils of the school during weight training in the gym, Nadezhdin takes command.
Teacher of geography P. Dmitriev leads the lesson.
The faces of the students.
The student is responsible to the Board.
Dmitriev says on partial deprivation of his students childhood because of sports (synchronously).
The head of a doll.
The father of one of the students, Vasilyev said about congestion daughter for sports (synchronously).
Irina Vasilieva swims in the back of the lane swimming pool, workout in the pool.
Irina Vasilyeva during exercise.
Coach Nadezhdin tells about the criteria for admission of children to the swim school about the learning environment, teacher of geography Dmitriev objection to it (synchronously).
Junior pupils during training in the pool.
Nadezhdin gives the command to the beginning of the workout.
Training in the pool.
Student answers at the blackboard during a mathematics lesson, pupils at their desks.
Last call at the school, Irina Vasilieva says about his love for swimming (synchronously), the person graduates and first-graders.
Regular exercise in the pool for Junior classes, the coach directs the actions of one of the girls.
Face of young swimmers.
The face of the geography teacher Dmitriev.
Guys are taught to hold breath under water.
Calendar: 1977
Locations: Chuvash Republic [757]