An advertising film for the Foreign Trade Association "Soyuzkniga" ["Soviet Union Book"]. About second-hand bookshops of the cities of Moscow and Sverdlovsk.
Monument to the first printer I. Fedorov.
Streets of Moscow.
A man is reading a book in the subway.
The second-hand bookstore.
second-hand bookstore "Pushkinskaya lavka".
A second-hand bookstore showcase.
L.A.Glazer (synchronously).
The pages of the Fourth Gospel.
Library reading room.
Shelves with old books.
L. Glazer holds in his hands the book baby, published in 1921.
A bookstore.
People take books to a second-hand bookstore.
Employees of second-hand bookstores accept books from the public.
Monument to I. Fedorov in Moscow.
Glejzer L.A. -bukinist
Locations: Moscow [820] Sverdlovsk [876]
Seasons: Winter [823]