Railway trains on the tracks.
Railway station in Kazan.
A.Monasypov approaches the train car, presents the ticket to the conductor.
A.Monasypov smokes on the platform at the train car.
A.Monasypov (synchronously).
Mourners wave their hands after the departing train.
Orchestra rehearsal.
A.Monasypov at the rehearsal of his vocal-symphonic poem "Shakhri Kazan".
Old photos from the archive of A.Monasypov.
The building of the music school in Kazan.
Streets of Kazan.
A.Monasypov (synchronously).
Panorama of Kazan from the top point.
Collage of photos by A.Monasypov.
Monasipov A.Z. -Kompozitor, dirizhyor, pedagog, Zasluzhennij deyatelj iskusstv RSFSR, Narodnij artist Respubliki Tatarstan, Zasluzhennij deyatelj iskusstv Tatarskoj ASSR, laureat Gosudarstvennoj premii Tatarskoj SSR imeni Gabdulli Tukaya.
Locations: The Republic of Tatarstan [752]