My father Alexander Klyucharov (2005)

Documentary №81154, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:08
Producer: Kazan newsreel studio
Camera operators:E.Zolondinov

Reel №1

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Streets of Kazan.

People on the street.

The building of Kazan University and the monument to V. Ulyanov in front of it.

Monument to F.Chaliapin.

The metro train arrives at the station.

A yellow leaf floats on the water.

Landscape with a river.

Chronicle: Kazan 1906

S.D. and N.S.Klyuchareva (photo).

Photo of A.Klyucharev as a child.

Old postcards with views of Kazan.

Metric record of the baptism of Alexander Klyucharev.

Emil Klyucharev (synchronously).

The orchestra is playing, I. Shakirov sings in the Tatar language.

I. Shakirov (synchronously).

Mothers with children in the park.

The pianist at the piano.

A trio is playing, the melody of A. Klyucharev sounds.

Monaszon E.A. (synchronously).

A.Klyucharev at his desk, at the piano (photo).

Musicologist Z.Khairullina (synchronously).

E.Klyucharev (synchronously).

Chronicle: A.Klyucharev at the piano, G.Khabibullin at the violin.


Klyucharev A.S. -kompozitor, dirizhyor i pianist. Zasluzhennij deyatelj iskusstv RSFSR (1969), narodnij artist Tatarskoj ASSR (1964). Klyucharev E.A.-telerezhisser, sin kompozitora A.S.Klyuchareva. Shak4irov I.G. - tatarskij pevec i deyatelj kuljturi. Narodnij artist Tatarskoj ASSR (1969). Narodnij artist Karakalpakskoj ASSR (1981). Narodnij artist RSFSR (1983). Monaszon E.A.-pianist, pedagog. Habibullin Z.V. -Tatarskij kompozitor, skripach. Zasluzhennij deyatelj iskusstv Tatarskoj ASSR. Narodnij artist Tatarskoj ASSR. Zasluzhennij deyatelj iskusstv RSFSR. Laureat Respublikanskoj premii imeni Gabdulli Tukaya.

Calendar: 1906

Locations: The Republic of Tatarstan [752]

Reel №2

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The orchestra of O. Lundstrom is playing.

O. Lundstrom (synchronously).

Audio recording of an interview with A. Klyucharev.

Photo by A.Klyucharev.

The chronicle of the musical evening.

Lehman A.S. (synchronously).

Photos by A.Klyucharev.

Photo of A.Klyucharev's wife.

R. Galimova sings.

A.Khairutdinov (synchronously).

E.Klyucharev (synchronously).

The orchestra of O. Lundstrom is playing.


Lundstrem O.L.-sovetskij i rossijskij dzhazmen, kompozitor i dirizhyor. Sozdatelj i mnogoletnij rukovoditelj orkestra, kotorij nine nosit nazvanie Gosudarstvennij kamernij orkestr dzhazovoj muziki imeni Olega Lundstrema. Narodnij artist RSFSR (1984). Laureat Gosudarstvennoj premii Rossijskoj Federacii (1998). Leman A.S.-rossijskij kompozitor, pedagog, professor Moskovskoj konservatorii, zaveduyuschij kafedroj kompozicii MGK imeni P. I. Chajkovskogo. Narodnij artist RSFSR. Galimova R.L. -asluzhennaya artistka Rossijskoj Federacii i Respubliki Tatarstan, Narodnaya artistka Respubliki Tatarstan. Solistka Gosudarstvennogo orkestra narodnih instrumentov Respubliki Tatarstan. Hajrutdinov A.N. -violonchelist, pedagog, professor Kazanskoj konservatorii.

Locations: The Republic of Tatarstan [752]

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