Snow-covered village.
The great bell in the tower of Nevyansk .
Close-up: the gear mechanism.
Yu. V. Lipatnikov (synchronously).
Covers of the magazine "Ural Pathfinder".
Wrought iron fence .
Layout of one of the oldest wooden houses in Sverdlovsk.
A. A. Pervushin at work in the workshop.
Shop of a metallurgical plant.
A. Pervushin (synchronously) about the old blacksmiths.
Cover of the book "Fence pattern mighty".
Forged candle holder.
Fire in the forge.
Smith A. I. Niravam at work.
Works of a blacksmith.
Old samovars.
Tea party with a samovar.
T. I. Shvaleva tells about the history of the Russian tea party (synchronously).
Porcelain tea set.
Rosette with jam.
Listeners drink tea.
Nevyanskaya tower.
The clock on the tower.
A. Sukontsev establishes the mechanism of hours the Leaning tower.
The clock mechanism of the Nevyanskaya tower.
Cast bells.
Lipatnikov Yu.V. - zaveduyuschij otdelom nauki i tehniki zhurngala "Uraljskij sledopit" Pervushin A.A. - rezchik po derevu Shvaleva T.I. -prepodavatelj Sverdlovskogo arhitekturnogo instituta
Locations: Sverdlovsk [876] Sverdlovsk region [803]
Seasons: Winter [823]