A advertising film about the rewards of Soviet filmmakers and participation of our films in international Film Festivals.
Training, performances of gymnasts - masters of rhythmic gymnastics: I. Deriugina, I. Gabashvili, E. Thomas. Exercises with the ball, ribbon. At sporting equipment stand gymnasts: E. Azarian, B. Makuts, B. Bindler, N. Kuchinsky, N. Shaposhnikov, S. Zakharova. Olympic champion in gymnastics, coach E. Saadi conducts classes with her students. Coach V. Rastorotsky in training with the Olympic gymnast N. Shaposhnikova.
Members of the USSR national team.
Irina Deriugina perform the exercise with the ball - LS., MS.
Irina Deriugina - CU.
Mother (she and coach) Deriugina - CU.
Exercise ball and perform Helen Thomas Irina Gabashvili - MS.
Pianist - CU.
London street.
Soviet gymnasts give autographs, visiting the city - MS.
I. Deryugina perform the exercise with ribbon, coach Deryugina - LS., CU.
The audience, hugs coach athlete - CU.
Congratulate Bohdan Makuts from Lviv, awarding winner - CU.
Congratulate Edward Azarian - MS.
Eduard Azarian - CU.
A. Azarian and B. Makuts a walk in the woods - MS.
B. Makuts in the hall - CU.
E. Azarian from Yerevan.
Exercises performed on the bar Makuts - MS.
Coach Azarian - CU.
Exercises on the rings executes Azarian - MS.
Azarian and coach at the bars - MS.
Makuts and trainer in "horse» - MS.
Makuts doing exercise - MS.
Azarian looks - CU.
Azarian doing exercise - MS.
Makuts looks - CU.
Coach Azarian - CU.
Makuts with coach - MS.
Athlete bandage hand - MS.
Exercises on the bar does Makuts - MS.
Looks Stella Zakharova - MS.
Acrobat falls - MS.
Crying Aganova, PNRM. on foot - CU.
Natalia Kuchinsky - CU.
Massage - CU.
Makuts doing exercise on horseback.
Acrobat falls.
Shaposhnikov falls from the boards, PNRM. on the coach - MS.
Coach Vladislav Rastorotsky - CU.
PNRM. with sitting on the floor of the coach N. Shaposhnikova Rastorotskogo - MS.
Training N. Shaposhnikova in the hall with a coach - MS., CU.
Key speakers are preparing Stella Zakharova and N. Shaposhnikov.
Combat Stella Zakharova and H. Shaposhnikova - MS., CU.
Victory Stella Zakharova, scoreboards, congratulations S. Zakharova - MS.
N. Shaposhnikov about logs, PNRM. feet - MS.
Jumping acrobats - LS., MS.
Vadim Bindler, PNRM. on coaches - CU.
"Jump Bindlera» - MS. (Rapid), LS.
Synchronization between the 3-acrobats - LS.
Coach with athletes in the classroom - MS., CU.
Coach Kapuler, PNRM. for an athlete - CU.
Girls in training - CU. (Rapid).
Children's sports group.
Occupation is the Olympic champion Elvira Saadi.
Girls perform exercises on different shells - different.
Gymnast performs exercises on uneven bars - CU. (Rapid).
Makuts performs an exercise on horseback - CU.; Parallel bars - CU., MS. (Rapid).
Gymnasts perform acrobatics - MS., CU.
N. Shaposhnikov perform exercises on a log - CU. (Rapid).
Irina Dergogeniya perform exercises on the balance beam, the uneven bars - MS.
Irina Gabashvili perform exercises with the ball - MS. (Rapid).
Eduard Azarian performs "cross" on the rings - MS. (Rapid).