Meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Committee of Soviet scientists for peace, against nuclear threat, academician Yevgeny Velikhov.
At the meeting speakers from artists and art - writer Graham Greene (UK), from the meeting of "Environmentalists for peace" editor - in-chief of the journal "Protection of nature" V. neykov (Bulgaria).
Speech By Mikhail Gorbachev.
The audience in the hall.
MS Gorbachev talks with the forum participants.
Gorbachev M.S. -- state, political and public figure, the first and only President of the USSR (1990-1991), founder of the Gorbachev Foundation. Velihov E.P. -- doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences, Professor, Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1978-1991) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991-1996), public figure. Grin G.G. -- English writer, journalist, British intelligence officer (1941-1944), a public figure.
Calendar: 1987
Locations: Moscow [820]
Excerpts from the interview: Milos Forman, Eldred Gregory peck.
Forman M. -- Czech and American film Director, screenwriter. Pek E.G. -- American film actor, social activist.
Locations: Moscow [820]