Night of the Nazi torchlight procession in Germany in the year 1933-1936.
The stormtroopers are carrying banners with swastikas.
Storm troopers with torches pass by the stairs, where are the leaders of the Third Reich.
The types of the torchlight procession (top).
Calendar: 1933-1936
Locations: Germany [84]
Seasons: Summer [824]
Burning fire in the courtyard of the University of Leipzig.
Storm troopers throwing books into the fire.
Students marching past a burning fire of books.
Students and storm troopers throwing books into the fire.
Goebbels speaks from the podium.
Gebbeljs Jozef Paulj -- German statesman and political figure
Calendar: 1933
Locations: Germany [84]
Seasons: Summer [824]