Leningrad chronicles № 1 (1969)

Newsreel №86930, 1 part, duration: 0:10:17
Production: LSDF
Director:Kononov N.
Camera operators:Vinogradskij N., Ivanov A., Kozirev B., Luchinin O., Nikolaev Yu., Obuhovich N., Pavlov A., Romenskij O.


1. The full year production results. 2. The construction of the village. 3. State optical Institute (GOI) Vavilov 50 years. 4. Icebreaking ferry "Andrey Korobitsyn". 5. The championship of the USSR on Boxing. 6. The new year's holiday in the Leningrad Palace of pioneers.

Reel №1

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1. New Year's report, sights of Leningrad.

2. The plant "Russian diesel", the assignment of the plant's products to the Quality Mark.

3. "Lengrazhdanproekt".

The project of the pig breeding complex.

4. Exhibition of astronomical instruments.

5. 50th anniversary of the State Optical Institute, solemn meeting.

6. Rally on the occasion of the 1st voyage of the icebreaker-ferry "Andrey Korobitsyn".

7. The Cup of the USSR in Boxing.

8. Christmas tree in the Palace of Pioneers.


The exit of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

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