1. 15th conference of the Leningrad trade unions in the Tauride Palace. 2. Decisions of the XXVI Congress of the CPSU - in life. Early start of the Volosovsky factory on manufacture of mixed fodders. 3. 50 years Vertoletnomu plant No. 21. 4. Information view: tests experimental transmission line LEP-3000. 5. City scientific-practical conference in the Palace of culture and technology named after the 1st five-year plan. 6. The story about the awarding of the frontier guard Vladimir Sokolov. 7. Calls "ski boom"!
1. Tavrichesky Palace, regional trade union conference.
2. Volosovo.
The first production of the feed mill.
3. Everyday life of the helicopter factory.
4. Anniversary of the helicopter plant, Order of Friendship of Peoples.
5. Tests of the world's 1st experimental power transmission line with a voltage of 3000 kilovolts.
Romanov G.V. -- Soviet state and party activist, WWII veteran, Hero of Socialist Labor.