The final film of the series. Basing on the rich chronical material, the film tells about the revival of Soviet towns destroyed by German troops, about new construction in the post-war (Soviet people's participation in World War II in 1941-1945) period.
1h. -Destroyed during the war, cities, factories, factory. Living apart the ruins of houses. 2h. - Restoration of enterprises of Minsk: tractor and automobile factories. Rehabilitation and construction of housing. Leningradites Uncovers monuments and statues. U.S. plans to conquer the Soviet Union. Soviet nuclear explosions, 1949-1950-X GG Frames Chronicle, which commemorated Kurchatov, Korolev, Gagarin. Development of Soviet rocketry.
The final film of the cycle.
To chronicle the rich material describes the revival of Soviet cities, ruined Kimi German troops, on new construction in the postwar period.
Key words
Attractions, construction, chronicle of the Second World War, ruins, destroyed cities, Soviet writers
Tvardovskij A. T. - russkij sovetskij pisatelj, poet i prozaik, zhurnalist Simonov K. M. - russkij sovetskij prozaik, poet, dramaturg, kinoscenarist, obschestvennij deyatelj, zhurnalist i voennij korrespondent Sholohov M. A. - russkij sovetskij pisatelj, zhurnalist i kinoscenarist
Calendar: 1941-1945 1945-1950
Locations: Leningrad [848] Stalingrad [947] Riga [969] Kursk
Seasons: Autumn [826] Summer [824]