1. Electrification of Karelia.
Kondopoga hydroelectric power station, Pleaserusa HPP Matkozhnenskaya HPP, HPP Ondskaya HPP, part, construction Vigorously HPP.
2. Petrozavodsk.
Meeting of agricultural workers.
3. Work on the plot of the Koivuselgsky forest point (Nikolaev, Gordey, Arkhipov, Gutsal, Rego).
4. Cutting wood at the Kem forest transshipment base.
5. Underwater fishing in the collective farm "Lenin's Way" (link Koshkin, Andreev).
6. Reindeer herding in the north of Karelia.
State farm "Reindeer" Kemsky district (Brigadier Tarasov, Director Kanaev livestock Sokolova).
7. Exhibition of works of folk craftsmen in Petrozavodsk.
Embroidery, wood carving.