The poetical story about the shepherd of the state farm “Leninsky Put’” [“Lenin’s Way”] in the Belgorod region, author of six poetical collections, a member of the USSR Writers’ Union V.V. Mikhalev. The film is filled with his poems and reflections.
Shepherd farm "Leninsky path" of the Belgorod region, poet, author of poetry collections, a member of the Writers' Union Vladimir Mikhalev herd grazes in the house works behind a desk, reading (synchronously), his poems, an interview with radio journalist N. Ryapolova of poetry; in the control station at the time of recording. Some use poetry VV Mikhalev. Birch Grove, a quatrain written on the birch, flowering trees, a meadow, field, haystacks, the setting sun, the morning mist.
On the road going car - MS. (Summer).
Screenwriter film journalist N. Ryapolov and the driver in the car - CU.
Automobile on a birch grove - LS.
Poet and shepherd VV Mikhalev down the steps, greeting N. Ryapolova - MS., CU.
VV Mikhalev and N. Ryapolov pass through a birch forest - MS., LS. (With motion).
Poems written on birch bark Mikhalev - CU.
Mikhalev goes on a country road - LS., Departure.
Flowering trees in the forest - LS., CU., PNRM.
Mikhalev sitting under a blossoming apple tree - LS., CU. (The voice over).
Herd on a meadow - LS.
Calf eating grass - MS., Departure.
Mikhalev herd of - MS., CU.
A branch of apple blossoms - CU., PNRM.
Power line - LS.
Meadows, woods - LS.
N. Ryapolov home, working at the table - CU.
Collection Ryapolova "Click» - CU.
N. Ryapolov the window (Moscow) - MS.
Winter landscape - plain, passing horse-drawn sleigh in - LS.
House Mikhaleva - LS.
Desk, hand writing - CU.
Mikhalev working behind a desk - different.
Terekhovo winter village - LS.
Mother Evdokia Mikhaleva Logvinovna feeding chickens on the porch - MS., Hitting.
Summer: Mikhalev mother go on the field - LS.
Mikhaleva mother sits by the stove - MS., Departure, CU.
Woman's hand print letters - CU.
Hands print letters; wife Mikhaleva Peacock Fedotovna reads a letter from his daughter (synchronously), crying - CU., PNRM.
VV Mikhalev listening - CU.
Family photos Mikhalev - CU., PNRM.
PF Mikhaleva with his grandson at the hands of the house tells about the family (synchronous) - CU.
Sons Mikhalev repairing tractor - MS., PNRM.
Old family home Mikhalev - MS.
Boy - grandchild Mikhaleva - CU.
Sunset over the stacks - LS.
Mikhalev down the slope - LS., Departure, going with the herd on a slope - LS., Hitting.
Bonfire - CU.; Mikhalev, N. Ryapolov and young shepherd Bob campfire, Mikhalev says about his work (night) - Various.
Cows - CU., PNRM.
A trace of a fire - MS., Corral - PNRM.
Morning landscape - LS.
Mikhalev produces herd out of the crate - MS.; Bob riding helps him - MS.
Pass the cow - CU.
Mikhalev driving a herd - MS.
Ears of wheat - CU.
Eared field - LS., PNRM.
Combine water cooler - CU.
Combine dinner at the field camp - CU., MS.
Mikhalev speaking to farmers, reading poetry (synchronous)
- MS.; Present applauded - LS.
Member of the Writers Mikhalev in hardware recording - MS.
N. Ryapolov and sound technician at work - LS.
Hands on the remote - CU.