The guerrillas (1942)

Footage №94422, 158 footages, duration: 1:03:32

Reel №1

Guerrilla groups in various regions of the USSR are fighting with the enemy; doing the problems in the guerrilla camps; help the people of the liberated territories to establish a peaceful life during the war.

Scene №1 The guerrillas

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

A detachment of partisans is walking through the forest on skis.

Guerrillas in camouflage suits cross the river on skis.

Calendar: 1942-1943

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №2

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A detachment of guerrillas in camouflage suits is skiing through the forest.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №3

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A group of partisans at the campfire.

Several people bent over the map.

Scene №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

A partisan detachment is walking through the forest on skis.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №5

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A detachment of partisans is walking through the forest.(Autumn or spring).

Seasons: Spring [825] Autumn [826]

Scene №6

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A partisan detachment is walking through the forest.

Seasons: Autumn [826] Spring [825]

Scene №7

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The partisans buried a comrade.

Fireworks from automatic weapons.

The partisans are standing around the grave.

Scene №8

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A detachment of partisans is walking along a rural street.

Villagers are standing on the side of the road.

A group of partisans is riding on a cart.

One of the fighters is playing the accordion.

Scene №9

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A group of partisans piles up ammunition.

Scene №10

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Several partisans are dragging a wounded comrade on an improvised stretcher.

Scene №11

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The partisans took the "tongue".

Seasons: Spring [825]

Scene №12

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A detachment of partisans is walking through a thicket of reeds.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №13

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The partisans throw a grenade into the hut and run towards it.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №14

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The partisans are escorted out of the hut by prisoners.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №15

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The partisans are on a boat and wading across the river.

Scene №16

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The signalman sends a message.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №17

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The partisans are mining the bridge.

The blown up bridge.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №18

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The faces of the partisans.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №19

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The faces of the partisans.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №20

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A detachment of partisans is walking along the road.

Horse-drawn wagons are carrying guns.

The commanders are examining the map.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №21

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A partisan detachment on horseback and on foot is moving along the road.

Horses are carrying guns.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №22

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A partisan detachment is moving along the road.

There are wounded people on the carts.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №23

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The steep bank of the river.

The partisans cross the river (on carts and horseback).

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №24

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The commander of the squad is on horseback.

Scene №25

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The commanders are examining the map.

A squad is moving along the road.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №26

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The partisans gathered in a circle, listening to what the commander says.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №27

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A woman shoots with a rifle.

The machine gunner.

Scene №28

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The machine gunner shoots from the trench.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №29

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The formation of the squad.

At the command, the squad set off.

Scene №30

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A detachment of partisans is moving along a forest road.

Guns are being carried on horses.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №31

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Rifles and ammunition are distributed to the partisans.

Scene №32

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The formation of a partisan detachment on a rural street.

The squad is moving down the street.

Seasons: Spring [825]

Scene №33

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The commander speaks to the assembled partisans.

Seasons: Spring [825]

Scene №34

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The partisans are slowly moving through the forest.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №35

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A group of partisans swims across the river on a raft.

A machine gunner sat in the bushes.

One of the guerrillas swims across the river.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №36

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The partisans are mining the bridge.


Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №37

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The partisans are sitting in a circle, looking at the map.

A report is brought to the commander.

The typist is typing something at dictation.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №38

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The partisans are running through the trench.

They're shooting.

Taking prisoners.

They wipe the shells.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №39

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A man and a child stand on the ashes of a burned village.

The bodies of the murdered villagers.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №40

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A woman on the ashes of a burned village.

He walks slowly, examines the remains of the dead.

Scene №41

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Burnt bodies.

Scene №42

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The partisans are talking about something, laughing.

Seasons: Autumn [826]

Scene №43

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A burning carriage.

Scene №44

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Burning wagons.

Scene №45

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Burning wagons on the railway tracks.

Scene №46

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The partisans are mining the road.

File the post.

Scene №47

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The guerrilla camp.

The guerrillas are cleaning their weapons.

Scene №48

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The partisans gathered around the commander.

There are teenagers among the partisans.

Scene №49

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A plane disguised by branches.

There is a partisan detachment on the road.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №50

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The partisans in the village.

A partisan reads a leaflet to his comrades.

Scene №51

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The radio operator is wearing headphones.

He passes one earphone to a friend, they listen together.

The partisans gathered around a comrade reading a leaflet.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №52

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The fighters are crawling through the snow, throwing grenades into the bushes where the enemy is holed up.

The infantry is attacking.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №53

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The partisan loads the gun, shoots.

The soldiers roll the gun.

The machine gunner covers the infantry.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №54

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The infantry is attacking.

The machine gunner covers the infantry.

Scene №55

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The fighters are running to attack.

Scene №56

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Fighters run to attack along the way, taking weapons from the dead.

The bodies of the dead in the snow.

The skeleton of the stove.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №57

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The partisans are leaving the village.

Guns are being carried on horses.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №58

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A partisan detachment is passing along a village street.

Residents are standing on the side of the street.

They see off the squad, wave their hands after them.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №59

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A report is brought to the commander.

The partisans are in the hut, looking at the map.

Scene №60

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A group of fighters waves at a flying plane, shooting into the air.

Scene №61

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The pilot gets out of the plane.

He is greeted by his comrades.

The pilot gives them smokes.

Scene №62

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A group of partisans in a hut is discussing another operation, examining a map.

Scene №63

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Partisans are riding in carts.

Seasons: Spring [825]

Scene №64

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A detachment of partisans is moving along the village road.

There are peasant women on the road.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №65

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A squad is moving along the road.

Reindeer on a sleigh are carrying luggage.

Seasons: Spring [825]

Scene №66

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The squad is walking on the tundra.

The deer are carrying the luggage.

Seasons: Spring [825]

Scene №67

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The partisans wade across the river.

Scene №68

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The partisans are walking through the forest ankle-deep in water.

Seasons: Spring [825]

Scene №69

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The partisans are walking through the spring forest

Seasons: Spring [825]

Scene №70

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The commander reads out some paper in front of the lined up members of the partisan detachment.

Seasons: Spring [825]

Scene №71

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The partisan reads some paper, signs it.

Scene №72

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The infantry is attacking.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №73

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The fighters shoot while lying on the grass.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №74

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The partisans are walking down the street.

The fighter is crawling with a weapon in his hands.

The burned village, the skeletons of the furnaces.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №75

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Fighters are running past a bombed-out building.

They shoot on the move.

The burning village.

A horseman raced down the street.

Two horsemen galloping down the street.

Fighters with weapons pass by a burning house.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №76

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A detachment of partisans is walking along the village street.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №77

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A detachment of partisans is walking along the village street.

There are residents on the side of the road.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №78

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The soldiers are loading the gun.

They're shooting.

Scene №79

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The funeral of the dead soldiers.

The commander speaks to the audience.

The villagers.

The bodies of the dead.

The fighters take off their hats and throw a handful of earth into the grave.

Gun salute.


A pyramid with a star.

Scene №80

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The guerrillas are mining the railway tracks.

Scene №81

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A partisan mines a wooden bridge.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №82

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Mining of the bridge.

Scene №83

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Fighters are lying on the grass with weapons.

They're watching the bridge.

Scene №84

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The partisans are chopping and sawing power poles.

Scene №85

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The partisans are mining the site.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №86

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A mounted detachment passes through the village.

He is escorted by the villagers.

A walking squad is passing along the street, an armored car is passing.

A resident of the village passes food to the fighters.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №87

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A detachment is passing through the burning village.

Scene №88

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A detachment of partisans is slowly moving through the forest.

Scene №89

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A partisan detachment is advancing through the forest.

Seasons: Spring [825]

Scene №90

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The partisans are warming themselves around the campfire.

Melt the snow in a pot.

They eat porridge.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №91

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A group of partisans on skis is walking through the forest.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №92

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The meeting of two groups of partisans in the forest.

The partisans are laying down captured weapons.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №93

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Burning huts.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №94

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A burning hut.

The partisans are cutting down power poles.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №95

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A detachment of partisans is walking through the winter forest.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №96

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Partisans run out of the hut and shoot.

Seasons: Spring [825]

Scene №97

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The battle in the village.

Seasons: Spring [825]

Scene №98

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Bodies in the snow.

The burning village.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №99

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The burning village.

Bodies in the snow.

The fighter takes the weapon from the deceased.

The battle in the village.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №100

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The pilot gets out of the plane.

He greets the people who meet him.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №101

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Boxes and weapons are being unloaded from the plane.

They load it onto a sleigh.

Scene №102

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Presentation of party cards(?).

Scene №103

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A peasant plows a field on a horse.

Scene №104

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A peasant plows a field on a pair of horses.

Scene №105

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Harrowing fields on horseback.

Farmers sow grain by hand.

Scene №106

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The order of the chief of staff of the partisan movement.

Scene №107

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The partisans are crawling towards the railway.

They put explosives under the rails.

The girls are partisans.


Overturned wagons.

Seasons: Autumn [826]

Scene №108

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The partisan shaves, attaching a mirror to the gun.

Another guerrilla is washing his face.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №109

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The partisans wade across the river.

They help a wounded comrade to go ashore.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №110

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The guerrillas are laying explosives under the rails.

A telegraph pole is being cut down.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №111

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A group of military and civilians inspects an enemy dugout.

Scene №112

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The children are lying in bed, covered with a blanket.

The prisoners are being escorted.

Children beat them with sticks.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №113

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The villagers gathered and listened as the partisan read out to them the verdict of the captured German.

The prisoner is shot.

Scene №114

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A panorama of the faces of the partisans.

Teenagers are in the foreground.

A medal on the chest of one of them.

Scene №115

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Passage of cavalry.

A detachment of partisans is passing by.

Scene №116

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A small group of guerrillas runs through the forest.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №117

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A group of prisoners surrenders their weapons and belongings.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №118

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The partisans are lying down in the grass and fighting.

Scene №119

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The infantry is fighting.

A group of prisoners are being escorted.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №120

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The partisans captured several prisoners.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №121

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A machine gunner is firing.

Shooting from a gun hidden in the bushes.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №122

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A partisan parade on the occasion of the liberation of Minsk.

The passage of troops.

Passage of the tank.

Guns are being carried on horses.

In the ranks of the partisans, a goat named Kid is running - the mascot of the partisan detachment "Struggle".

Calendar: 1944

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №123

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A partisan parade.

A rostrum with representatives of the leadership.

Scene №124

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The partisan detachment lined up in a line.

A group of commanders in front of the formation.

Scene №125

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A detachment of partisans is walking along the edge of the forest.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №126

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Cavalry passes along the road, and then a partisan detachment on foot.

Scene №127

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A partisan detachment passes along the street of the liberated village.

Scene №128

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Residents of the liberated village meet the partisans.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №129

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

A detachment of partisans is walking down the street.

Scene №130

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A panorama of the faces of the partisans.

Scene №131

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A man gives water to the wounded (or sick).

Inventory of captured weapons.

Scene №132

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A man cleans a gun.

The woman is stroking.

Scene №133

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The men run out of the bathhouse to get water, having collected water, they run back.

Scene №134

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The man has sharpened his razor and is shaving his friend.

Scene №135

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A man shaves a friend.

A girl is walking along a forest path with a guy, a guy is playing the accordion.

Scene №136

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The guerrillas are laying explosives on the railway.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №137

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Steam train.

The burning compound.

Scene №138

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The execution of a prisoner.

Scene №139

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A burning hut.

The burning village.

Scene №140

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The man at the map explains something to the listeners.

Scene №141

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Close-up of a man explaining something.

Scene №142

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The military is in some kind of meeting.

Scene №143

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The military is in a meeting.

Scene №144

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Printing leaflets in the hut.

Scene №145

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Peasants are harrowing, women are throwing seeds from baskets into the ground.

Scene №146

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Agricultural work

Scene №147

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A partisan detachment lined up on the street.

The award ceremony.

Seasons: Winter [823]

Scene №148

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

German prisoners are being escorted along the village street.

Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №149

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The partisan is reporting something.

The squad is walking through the forest.

Seasons: Autumn [826]

Scene №150

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Close-up: fire.

The bodies of the dead.

Scene №151

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The guerrillas are mining the railway tracks.


Seasons: Summer [824]

Scene №152

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

A female partisan passes a note to a squadmate.

Scene №153

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A man in the woods is watching a girl.

The girl puts a note in the hollow.

Scene №154

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An officer is writing something at the table.

Panorama of the formation of fighters.

Scene №155

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The partisan is writing something down, sitting on a bench near the hut.

Several prisoners lined up in front of him.

Scene №156

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The fighters take off their tunics and change into civilian clothes.

Scene №157

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A repeat of the previous passage.

Scene №158

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A detachment of partisans is walking along the road.

A wounded man is being carried on a cart.

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