Leningrad chronicles № 35 (1975)

Newsreel №97324, 1 part, duration: 0:10:11
Production: LSDF
Camera operators:N.Vinogradskij, A.Ivanov, S.Ivanyuhin, B.Kozirev, O.Luchinin, A.Pavlov R.Shevalje


1. Smolny. Party asset meeting. 2. Lensovetovsky complex, cowsheds. 3. Kirov plant. Start-up of a new open-hearth shop. Full-scale plans. Work. Congratulations. 4. Weekdays of the Central Design Bureau "Baltsudoproekt". 5. Arrival of the Olympians in Leningrad. V.Alekseev, O.Korbut, V.Tretyak, A.Dityatin. The Olympic ball. 6. BKZ "Oktyabrsky", meeting of art workers with agricultural workers. 7. Creative community of the plant named after Zhdanov and the Academic Maly Opera and Ballet Theater.

Reel №1

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1. Smolny building.

Meeting of the asset of the Leningrad Party organization.

On the podium is the first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Party Committee, G.V. Romanov.

Debate on the Romanov report.

Report of the Minister of Agriculture of the RSFSR L.Y.Florentyev.

Presentation of the Leningrad region of the passing Red Banner.

2. Experimental dairy complex of the state farm "Lensovetovsky".

Cows in the stalls.


3. Kirov plant.

New open-hearth shop.

The first melting.

The building of the Kirov plant.

4. Unique tankers and container ships (photo).

Central Design Bureau "Baltsudoproekt".

Designers are discussing a new project.

Weekdays of the Central Bank.

Awarding of the Central Committee with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

A solemn meeting on the occasion of the anniversary of the Central Committee.

The participants of the solemn meeting are congratulated by the secretary of the regional party committee A.P.Dumachev.

5. Participants of the All-Union Olympic Rally on the streets of Leningrad.

A solemn meeting in the Tauride Palace.

Veteran Olympians pass the banner of the USSR Olympic team to future participants of the Olympic Games.

Initiation into the Olympians.

Badges and certificates of enrollment by candidates for the Olympic teams are awarded to the best athletes.:

Among them: weightlifter V.Alekseev, gymnast O.Korbut, hockey player V.Tretyak, gymnast A.Dityatin.

Farewell ball.

6. Concert hall "Oktyabrsky".

Meeting of theatrical figures with the leaders of agriculture of the region.

7. Meeting at the Palace of Art Workers of the artists of the Academic Maly Opera and Ballet Theater and workers of the shipbuilding plant named after him.


Signing of a cooperation agreement.

A festive concert.


Romanov G.V. -pervij sekretarj Leningradskogo obkoma partii.

Locations: Leningrad [848] Leningrad region [785]

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